Part 25!

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You sleepily open your eyes to the bright and unwelcoming light of day breaking through your frosted windows. The curtains are open but you usually close them before you go to sleep which makes you question your existence and everything you ever thought to be true. You're lying on the couch in the main room with a blanket covering your body. You're wearing some old pajamas you haven't worn for at least three years and wonder how you still fit in them, however you don't remember changing into them in the first place.

You sit up, the blanket crumpling by your stomach, and take in your blurred surroundings. Everything is exactly the same, the electronics, the kitchen, the dining area. You scan the room with tired eyes until you see Kaneki slumped on the chair opposite you. His mouth hangs open and his eyes are sealed closed.

"Kaneki?" You spit quietly, your heart beating slightly faster. He starts to stir. You fling the blanket off you and stand up. As you get to your feet, a pain shoots through your back and you feel yourself falling but your able to steady yourself. You take small, controlled steps toward Kaneki and give him a little shake. When that doesn't work, you give him a more violent one.

His eyes drifts open and locks on you, he looks pretty mortified. "What are you doing?" He mutters, startling you as his voice is gruff and deep, "go and rest." He slowly pulls himself to his feet, dropping his blanket on the floor, and ushers you back to the make-shift bed. 

"Kaneki," you ask, "What happened? After I passed out, I mean."

"Well," Kaneki explains, "I was worried that you hadn't returned home for a while. I went out to find you but, as I was walking down the street, I met a group of people crowding around an alleyway."

I think back to when I heard a commotion of muttering voices from the street. They must've been merged into the natural buzz of shoppers you heard almost every time you walked anywhere near the town.

"There were a group of police men mixed in with them. I found out that they had heard some crashing from an alleyway but they were trying to figure out which one. Suddenly, everyone went silent. We heard a crash from the next alleyway over."

You wonder if that could've been the bin falling on the ground or maybe it could be you landing on the concrete. It was all so unclear.

"I ran over, the rest of the group following me. I was shouting for them to keep up. As I turned the corner, I saw you lying on the floor. I yelled your name and you called mine incredibly quietly." He finishes off.

"Then what happened?" You ask, hooked into the tale.

"We got you to the hospital. You kept slipping in and out of consciousness, only opening your eyes for a minute or saying a word to me. Then you'd drop back into sleep. The doctor said you were well enough to come home so we got you back. I called up Fenina who got you changed into your pajamas and helped you get on the couch and then she left. You've been asleep all morning."

"How long was I in the hospital?"

"Only last night."

"Oh," you say as you feel yourself dropping off again, "Kaneki, can you stay with me until I fall asleep?"

"Yeah, sure."

You give him a smile before pulling the blanket over your shoulders, smothering yourself in warmth, and close your eyes.

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