Part 26!

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You sit up again after your quick nap. Kaneki isn't here anymore. He must've left when you fell asleep like you'd asked him to - at least he's listening to you for once. The sun isn't as bright and you can see clouds covering the sky out of the window. There could be two plausible reasons for this: the day's progressed on and so has the weather, or whoever is the god of weather has decided they don't like you and are punishing you by depriving you from sunlight.

Humans are practically flowers.

You gradually stand up, lose eyesight, sit down, wait for a while, stand up again and walk to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea. There is an empty cup with the strong smell of coffee radiating from it. Since you somehow have developed superhuman smelling powers because of the last sentence you read, you use your powers to do something else - smelling the bread bin to see if your breads gone off. It stinks. It's mouldy. Yeah, don't eat that. Your attention turns back to the cup on the counter.

Kaneki has been here, you think to yourself as you pick up the cup and drop it into the sink full of cold water. Didn't even wash it. Disgusting.

You pick up a clean cup off the shiny draining board and start making yourself a cup of tea. You boil the water. While you wait, you look about and play some eye-spy. After figuring out the object beginning with 'w' is 'wall' for the tenth time, you notice a pen and piece of paper lying on the table.

You walk towards it, sceptical. When it's in your hands, you see neatly formed, yet unfamiliar, writing in a watery blue ink. 'I'll see you later, (Y/N)'.


It's not the mysterious journalist who've been leaving notes everywhere. It's not Kaneki's writing - he can't write neatly to save his life. It's not (F/N)'s or Fenina's, they haven't been over today. Come to think of it, no one's been over today from what you remember. Surely, if you have been sleeping in the front room all day, you'd have been woken up by anyone walking into the house since the door is so loud the next house over can hear it. The thought that someone had broken into the house using some other method than the door made you nervous.

You glance around at the windows. There's no fingerprints or smudges from what you can see. To be fairly honest, there could be but the curtains are covering a few and you can't be bothered to open them. The most reasonable way to break into someone's house without even touching the door would be to break the window, right? No, there's no glass on the floor. There's not even a draft, there mustn't be any open windows.

You crumple the paper up and tell yourself it was a prank. Ha ha. You return to the kettle and pour the now boiled water into the cup. You carelessly spill a bit on your hand as you think about that hilarious joke you were just the victim of, and shout in pain. It feels like lava, surprisingly enough. You put the kettle back and rush your hand under some cold water. Ow.

Your hand is throbbing and red. You let out a sigh and grab a bandage to wrap around it even though it'll make no difference. It just looks cool - you could be a gangster. You think it's better to make sure you don't damage your hand more than before, anyway. See? There's reasoning behind your action, even though it may not be intentional. You're a genius.

When you return to the half-made cup of tea with your bandaged hand, you add the granulated sugar and continue attempting to make a decent cup of tea with cold water, which is easier said than done. Why are you drinking cold water?

You suddenly jerk your head up as you remember a question that you need answered desperately. You shout out, "Kaneki!"

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