Chapter 33

911 55 35

*4 months later*

Normani's POV

Today is the day we're going to Cuba and I'm more than ready, 2 free weeks of honeymooning, nothing but sex. I finish getting ready and go see what Lauren is doing. I walk up behind her and place a kiss on her neck.

"You a real woman Jauregui, a real grown woman" I say

"Is that so?" She asks, turning around to face me

"Mhmm, not like all these other girls around here, can't waist my time with these silly  bitches, I need a real woman" I say, slipping my hands under her shirt and moving towards her bra

"You do, huh?" She smirk

"Ima call you dandelion, cause they're pretty and yellow like you...well, you got no color but you get it" I laugh

"WOWOWOWOW NORMANI' She says very loudly

"Chooocolate aaannnd Vaniiiillllla swiirr-iiirrrll,  ssswwwiiiirr-iirrllll" I say while grabbing her arm

"Back off crazy eyes" She groans

"But I love you" I pout, pulling her closer to me

I bring her face closer to mine and kiss her very passionately

"Two more days and we'll be a married duo" She smiles against my lips

"December 10th will be nothing but memorable" I say

A few minutes later repeated knocks hit the door, I go open it to reveal the others.

"Who's ready for Cubaaaa?" Ariana yells

"We're gonna fuck Cuban bitches and niggas" Zendaya cheers

"You would be the first one to say that" Dinah says

"Dinah" Zayn snickers

"We LOVE a married couple!" Zara smiles

"Everybody make room for The Jauregui's" Quincy says

"The best couple ever? I believe so" Justin smirks

"I'm so happy for you two" Tori squeals

She hugs us tightly and I chuckles.

"As adorable as this is, it's time to go!" Lauren says

We go down to Anthony and he smiles brightly at us.

"Who's ready to turn Cuba out?!" He yells

Of course my mans is coming with.

"Hey Mani, you ready?" Lauren smiles

"Yea I'm excited" I say

"I knew you would be" She says

We soon arrive at the airport and I grab Lauren's hand as we maneuver through the crowded airport to the back where Quincy's private jet is.

 We soon arrive in Cuba and walk towards the front of the airport.

"This is so fucking cool" I say, looking around in amazement 

"Mhmm, it's a great atmosphere" She says, looking around

"Let's turn Cuba out" She smiles

"And make it a trip to remember" 


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