Chapter 6

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     " This is my map table. We mark it as we go usually. If you look here, " He pointed to a coastal area on the map table. " That is Bloodstone. And here, is Westcliff. "
     " So where are we right now? " I asked, curious as to how pirates and sailors know where they are when they're surrounded by ocean.
     " Well, that's when we use compasses. It's easier that a map would be. " He sateted. He pulled out his compass and explained to me hoe they used them. We were actually having a genuine moment, he was actually being legitimate.
       He continued to explain the importance of navigational expertise to me as we ate lunch. As he finished his little seminar I looked around at all of the weapons placed on plaques throughout the room. Some many of them looked foreign in design, they were beautiful.
      " How much longer until we get there? " I asked, slowly growing uncomfortable with the idea of being in the middle of the ocean.
      " Well we've been at sea for a little over 5 hourse, so we should only have about 7 more hours left. It will early morning when we get there so we'll probably just stay in the boat until morning. " He explained, while polishing his dragonstomper.48, oh how I admired that weapon.
       I groaned at the thought of being on a boat for 7 more hours and laid my head on the table. I ran my fingers through my hair and began humming the same song that Hammer sang the very first time I met her. It started with humming but I eventually began mumbling the words.
       " Down by the reeds, Down by the reeds, Swim the sirens of Oakvale out to the sea. Down by the reeds, Down by the reeds, Float the souls left unbroken by white balverines. "
        I continued humming until I noticed Reaver had stopped polishing his gun and was staring at me.
      " Where did you learn that song? "
      " Hammer. "
      " It''s nice. "
       I gave him a soft smile. It wasn't until then that I actually recalled the lyrics and the place they spoke of. I guess that song reminded him of better times in Oakvale. I looked out of the window, the sky was black.
        " It's getting late. " I said. My had cupping my cheeks and chin, my elbows propping my head up.
        " I want to show you something."
        Reaver stood and held out his hand for me to take. Something was different about him, he seemed alot more serious recently. It was starting to worry me slightly. It wasn't that he was melancholy or angry, he just wasn't putting up an act like he normally does. He was being genuine.
         He led me outside to the deck. There was no one there but us. The sky was a mixture black and a dark blue. Stars were scattered and shining throughout the sky. It was beautiful.
         " Do you get to see this every night at sea? "I asked, looking up at him. The bright moonlight shown down on his chiseled features. It made his eyes sparkle and shine. I don't think I've ever seen a moon so big and bright.
        " Only on the clear night, the cloudy ones can be pretty too. " He kept staring at me and I only smiled, I was honestly confused at his behavior.
        " I'm sorry. " He said, looking down at the railing of the ship's edge.
        " What? "
        " I'm sorry, for selling you out to Lucien, and attempting to abandon you on that beach, and sending you to do my dirty work. "
        " You've been horrible to me, believe me I know. But I know why. You pretend to be okay and strong, and you are strong but you're hurting, I know that. You're pain, and have been so long that you dont know what it's like, what it's like to live with compassion. In a way, you didn't know any better.
      Even through everything, you're the only one who came back to me. That day in the spire Hammer, my best friend left me for some monks. Garth went back home, but at least he said he would visit. Tou, the one I had known for the least amount of time, came back to me. I had known Hammer for over 10 years, and she left me.
       You doing the things you did, it was expected and predictable and I don't mean that in an offensive way, but you came back for me. When you came back, ready to kill whoever rook your home you saw it was me and lowered your weapon. And in these past few weeks we've spent so much time together, and its been great.
        So no, I'm not mad. And yes, I forgive you. I know you, and everyone else might think me crazy for that, but believe after everything I know who and who not to trust. You did what you did because you didn't know me, and now you do. "
         I finished my speech and looked up at him. He smiled at me. He reached his hand behind my back and pulled me closer to him. We embraced and stood there underneath the stars for a long time.
          I felt his fingers playing with my hair and I smiled as I buried my face into his warm chest.
          " Come on, it's late let's go inside. " There was a soft smile on his face as he wrapped his arm around my waist. We walked back inside.

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