Chapter 25

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Darkness. To say that the darkness I felt that day had left me completely would be a lie; however, it was not the same. It was no longer the ancient hallways left desolate in Aurora. Now it was the shadow that cast down the hall in a suspicious fashion, it was the fear of the candle blowing out while I slept, it was locking the windows and doors of the manor when the sun started to go down, leaving the fireplace burning all night, it was stationing extra guards in the night hours. It was jolting awake from the nightmares that place left me.

It was the isolation I felt. Knowing that I could share this darkness with no one, the only to keep it at bay was to leave it within myself so that I could not escape. In the beginning, Reaver would always try to comfort me, asking if I wanted to talk about it. I did; but I couldn't. Soon he began to not question me at all, instead he just offered a hand on my trembling shoulder.

What ever the creature in the temple was is not merely darkness; it is destruction. It is a black hole of nothingness ready to devour its next victim. But I am no victim. I will not feed into it with fear and tears. I will stand strong as it rears it's ugly head in-front of me. It may destroy me, but it will not destroy my family. So I kept it to myself, letting it eat me alive from the inside.

"Sparrow." I put down my pen, closing the notebook.
I stood up from the desk to look at Reaver. My mind was wavering but my memory of him remained perfect.

" I have a bit of a proposal for you." His signature smirk grew on his face as he strutted closer to me.
"I suggest we take a little vacation. No kids, no help, no guards watching our every move; just us." He moved a strand of hair away from my face, tucking it behind my ear. I smiled as I took in every bit of him, I didn't know how much longer I had.

It had been three years since the darkness planted itself inside me and according to the locals how knew it's ways, they were surprised I had even managed to escape. The priestess tried to cleanse me fully, but it's grip was strong. So I decided to make the most of my now, evidently shortening life. Funny, how even immortals could be plagued by such things.

Reaver's hand engulfed mine as we strolled through the uncharted woods, taking in the sun that peaked through the yellow-leafed trees. It felt like healing almost. Soon enough we reached our destination.
A small clearing, a perfect ray of sun illuminating the grass.

Tell him. Tell him and save yourself.

The voice was not my own, not the creatures either. It was familiar and warm. Too good to be true, but I knew it wasn't that creatures. That thing could know nothing of  light or love to put on such a facade. I knew that voice whispering in my heart. It was Rose.

I gave Reaver a long stare before I sat down. I took a deep breath and suddenly it all just fell out. The secret I reminded myself to keep everyday, the parasite eating my alive. The darkness.

Upon our first meeting, all those decades ago. Reaver never believed my seemingly y'all tales, but this time I had no doubt in my mind that he believed me. I could see the fear, the realization. Was it eating him too?

"And you refrained from telling me this all these years?" He raised an eyebrow. Not in disbelief but in confirmation.

"Yes. I was afraid it would spread if I revealed it to just anyone. Don't you see? Didn't you notice?"

"Of course I noticed. You've always mumbled in your sleep." He let out a slight laugh. "Regardless, even if this thing could kill you, I refuse to let it. I've lived many years, long enough to have my own secrets. I have a plan but it will take some time and effort.

Within a few weeks everything was set. The temple of light had not faded away within the decades; merely relocated to a more remote area. Somewhere more light and holy. When Reaver first explained his plan I had felt so obviously stupid, but then again my mind was fading. It was perfect, fight the darkness with light.

The white walls of the temple reflected in my eyes. A small smile growing on my face. It shown the same way it's predecessor did. Radiating. My boots clicking softly on the tile floor as we walked through its halls.

I gripped Reaver's hand tightly as I explained my peril to the monks. They understood but at the same time didn't. Evidently, centuries ago, they had seen something like it before. But my case was a bit more complex given the immortal hero element. After the debriefing they offered their help.

"We can heal you but it will take time, something you seem to have plenty of. Your ailment is strong but so is your will. You can fight with our help, but we will have to take small steps to assure it's success. You will have to remain in the Temple for its completion." The abbot explained. My brow furrowed.

"For how long?"

"I'm not sure. Years at the least."

On that day I died. Not in a literal sense of my body falling away and my soul departing from the earth. My name, my livelihood, royal rule. All of it died. Reaver, although it pained him, returned to Albion to assist in staging my death, convincing my loved ones, even my children, that I was gone. But this was the only way. To eliminate the darkness was to prevent its goal of eliminating me. If I no longer "existed" there was nothing to feed on. And when the darkness was driven out of me I could return.

It turned out that going about my days as if I was not internally suffering was what it wanted. It wanted to spread and find something else to manipulate through me. It wanted to evaluate everyone around me to see who it could lure in next.

Reaver came to visit throughout my time in the temple. It seemed that as I healed, so did he. I knew it hurt to have to lie to everyone that I was gone, especially the children. But it had to be done. Maybe one day I could return.

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