Chapter 14

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I left after that day. When the skies were painted black with smoke, and the blood of my family stained the ground. Reaver was my lifeline for a long time after that. He took care of me for months. He decided that it would be best if we ventured off to distant lands.
    We decided to go th Samarkand, still in search of the music box. We met up with Garth, who eventually aided us in our quest. He pointed us in the right direction, and after three years of searching, we found it. It was then, as I held the gold and ancient metal in my trembling hands, that I realized my theory was correct. I could receive two more wishes, and a sole wish for Reaver.
     In that dark and damp cave I changed the course of time. I used my wishes to grant myself eternal life and for Reaver's eternal life to exist outside of the shadow court. No more sacrifices, no more haunting nightmares. I handed him the box and stare at him as he made his wish. His wish to eradicate the shadow court once and for all. Freeing everyone they had hurt and everyone they planned to hurt.
      But that was fifteen years ago. It's been longer than that since we left, and we had finally returned to Albion.
       I stepped off of the ship and onto the stone dock of Bowerstone. It has been almost twenty years, the city has changed so much. I stared up at the clock tower, the only structure that seemed to be the same. My thoughts were interrupted as I felt Reaver by my side. He looked down at me, a slight glimmer of concern in his eyes.
        " I'm alright Reaver. That was many years ago. " I placed my hand on his firm shoulder and smiled up at him.
        " I know. " He tilted his head slightly, flashing his classic charismatic grin.
        The two of us had grown quite close of the years. Ever since his initial return to Bloodstone Reaver and I had been inseparable. We had almost become dependant on each other.
        We walked hand-in-hand through the crowded streets. Many shops had been relocated, and buildings demolished all together. The breeze was soft and I smiled as the warm air sailed across my exposed shoulders. I watched Reaver's eyes sparkle as he looked at all the different guns for sale in a nearby store window.
      It was astounding how far weapons had developed in recent years. I was still adjusting to my newfound immortality, and little details like that made the thought of eternal life very likable. I anticipated to see the technological changes the future had to hold.
        After purchasing a few things here and there, Reaver and I finally made it to a large inn. We ate a bit before retiring to our room.
       " Sparrow. " He called. I stopped unpacking my things and turned to look at him. There was a small, warm smile on his chiseled face.
       " What it is? " I took a step closer to him. Helping him remove his coat. He grabbed my hands as I stared up at him.
       " I have a surprise for you. " He smiled.
       " Really? Where is it? " I asked, looking around the room and over his shoulder.
       " It's not here. " He laughed. Holding the side of my face with one of his hands. " It's not too far though. We'll leave tomorrow morning. I've been doing some research and apparently they've given Albion a bit of a remodeling. The place we're going is called the Millfields, it's not that far of a walk. " He let go of me and layer on the bed, stretching his arms behind his head.
       " Alright. I'm down for a little adventure. " I said smugly.
       " That's the spirit! " He laughed.
       I awoke to the bright sun peering through the window. It's warm rays resting on our faces. We packed our things and I rushed our of the inn doors and into the streets. It had been along time since I could stretch my legs and fight something. Reaver laughed at my current lack of maturity as he walked out of the doors.
        " Which way? " I asked, practically screaming in excitement. He chuckled and pointed straight across the Bowerstone bridge.
        I ran off, Reaver chasing behind me. The stone walls that surrounded us soon became trees and fields with beautiful vegetation. We sprinted along the stone path until we reached a clearing.
        " This is it! " Reaver shouted from behind me. My pace increased as I brushed through the branches and leaves. My body came to a halt when I marveled at the sight before me. I felt Reaver's arm around me.
        " Isn't it beautiful. I made preparations about a year ago. I received mail last week about its completion. "
        Bower lake. It's beautiful blue waters sparkled in the sunlight. I couldn't believe that I had forgotten it's beauty. In place of the old guild entrance was a beautiful and lavish gazebo. As I looked out further there sat a beautiful manor. There was a huge garden outfront, and ivy grew out the tall walls of the home.
        " Reaver. " My voice was barely above a whisper. Tears began to down my face and onto the familiar ground. He wiped my eyes.
        " We're home. " He smiled.

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