Chapter 22

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Silence. But not the uncomfortable, uneasy silence that led up to something bad happening. This was a soft silence; safe. My eyes were closed but I could sense light peaking in through the stain glass window. I attempted to bury my head even further into Reavers side but to no avail. I regretfully opened my eyes and greeted the new day.

Days around the castle had become slow, yet fast. I was so far along in my pregnancy now that it seemed as if it had been only hours, yet at the same time, it felt as if the baby wouldn't come for years. I glanced down at my stomach.

I had only mentioned my state to the inhabitant of the castle. I would've loved to tell Hammer and Garth but the years and come and gone so quickly. They remained in their new homes, most likely dying of old age. I couldn't blame them for that, I had been the one to trade away my old age many moons ago. I took comfort in the fact that I would always be there to see my baby grow, but still couldn't erase the looming though of watching the die before me.

I took my hands off of my overgrown stomach and turned as I heard Reaver stirring. I quietly opened the door and walked into the hall, shutting in behind me. My hunger was growing, but thankfully the staff moved me to one of the lower floor bedrooms, stairs were too big a risk for the baby. I still couldn't think why some madman decided to make a flight of stairs that y'all.

"Good Morning You Majesty." I gave Jasper a smile. He walked over to the dining table with a sliver tray in his hands. I felt a soft kick in my stomach and I examined the tray. Eggs, Toast and Jam, Sausage, Fruit, Tea. All of it. It didn't take long before I was sat at the table, stuffing my face. I was eating for two in fact.

Reaver tiredly stumbled into the dining room, plopping down next to me. He ruffled his hair into place, growing a soft smile as he glanced at my stomach.

"Don't take this the wrong way Your Highness," Reaver smirked at me as he stabbed a piece of fruit with his fork. "But I'm surprised you can manage to fit comfortably at the table." We both giggled a bit.

"I surprised myself. I don't never thought I'd miss being able to see my toes. I'll be happy when this things finally out of me."

"That just might be soon enough Your Majesty." Theresa walked stood in the doorway. I furrowed my brow. It had been sometime, especially after what she pulled in the spire. She usually never made trips like this, so something more important than a baby had to be going on.

"Tell me Theresa, what's my fortune?" I set down my fork, felling Reaver's Starr burning her.

"A healthy baby, two actually. Just not at the same time. They will be strong, but one will be stronger than the other."

"Why are you here."

"To support you of course; I doubt you've learned much about taking care of a baby."

"I'll manage." Her faces was covered in shadow, but I could sense a smirk.

"Terese-Theresa-Terry; whatever your name is, O highly suggest you leave. Violence isn't good for the baby you know." Reaver slowly stood up, pushing back his chair.

Her smirk faded, and with a simple nod she left. But I was still uneasy. To know I was pregnant would  mean she was watching. But why? What could she gain from being around my child? Unless-of course.
I understood now.

The baby was a hero

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