Part 16: The studio

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~ The next day~

Skylar's pov/

Marcus and Martinus came at 11 am. We got in their car and I was very excited to visit their studio. This day is going to be amazing!

Marcus-:" Our studio here in Oslo is not as big as our studio in Trofors but it's cool too."

Skylar-:" Yeah about that when are you guys coming back to Trofors?"

Martinus-:" Next week."

Skylar-:" No you can't do this we didn't have the chance to know each other more."

Marcus-:" We are sorry Sky it's work. Besides you are traveling to the USA soon."

Skylar-:" No my dad said we will stay in Norway all summer. Guys I was trying all year to convince my dad to take me to Norway, just because I really wanted to meet you. You can't do this to me."

And I started crying my eyes out.  My friends are leaving me next week.

Marcus-:" Please don't cry Sky."

Martinus-:" Wait wait. I have an idea. Sky you said that your dad told you that you'll stay in Norway all summer right?"

I nodded.

Martinus-:" Well Trofors is in Norway."

Marcus-:" Yeah I didn't understand."

Martinus-:" Ahh you never do. I mean Sky and her family can travel to Trofors with us. It's in Norway just like what her father said."

Skylar-:" Martinus you are a genius." And I hugged him " But do you think my dad will agree?"

Martinus-:" Yea we are going to do whatever it takes to convince him."

Marcus-:" I mean who can say no to this cute face?."

And he pointed at his face.
Classic Marcus.

~In the studio~

The studio was huge and amazing. I wonder how does their studio in Trofors look like. They said it's bigger and more amazing. But more amazing than this?

Martinus-:" This is our recording studio, do you like it?"

Skylar-:" I love itttt".

Marcus-:" Wanna see something cooler? Look at this."

And he showed me a big refrigerator which inside there were tons of snacks: chocolate, chips, skittles, all sorts of candy... I don't want to leave this place anymore.

Martinus-:" Sky come meet our dancers."

Skylar-:" Hey."

Dancers all together-:" Hei."

Marcus-:" Ok Skylar we are going to practise, do you want to come with us?"

I nodded. It's a chance to see your idols performing. Why will I refuse?

They started to sing Like it Like it. This song is seriously the best. I started to sing with them: I LIKE THE WAY YOU GOOO I LIKE IT LIKE IT..

I was interrupted by Martinus' voice: "Hey you didn't tell us you can sing?"

Skylar-:" Laugh as much as you want."

And we all started to giggle. That day was amazing until they started to sing "Without you".

Martinus was dancing with a girl. I think her name was Jenna. And while singing he was staring at her eyes like they were in love and like this song was dedicated to her. But I know that's all in my head and it's not real. It's just a part of their work but i'm mad even if I'm sure that Martinus will never be mine.

Skylar-:" Boys i'm going to discover the studio more ok? Bye".

They both waved.

I was walking until I stopped in front of a door. It was written on it" Dance practise". It was where Marcus and Martinus learn their dance moves and choreography. I entered, then I put a song and started dancing. Dancing has always been my passion. I dance when I have nothing to do, when I want to forget my problems, stress, anxiety... In one word, dance is my life.

The song was " go where you go". This was a cool song to dance to. So I started to move, dance, jump... I let the music take over my body. I felt like i'm in another world. I didn't learn how to dance in a studio, I learned it on YouTube.

I was living the moment when I heard a voice: " You can dance too? This time I am not joking".

It was Martinus.

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