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I was traveling with everyone in a boat, quickly getting to know everyone. The four were siblings, High king, king, and queens of Narnia. Apparently they have been here before and fought in a war, I'm assuming when you are called to Narnia it's for something important so we were off to regroup with others and a lion named Aslan. It took a while but we eventually made it past a river and laid down for the night. I was getting used to wearing what they wore and hearing all the stories. Early in the morning I watched Lucy leave and I woke up the camp starting with peter and alerted them that Lucy went off. Thank goodness I did because when we got to Lucy Peter went off and started a sloppy sword fight. I sighed and Susan asked me what was wrong while Lucy intervened.
"I was raised in an area where fighting should be second nature or you die, there is this arena made up of many children and only one is supposed to return, we call the, victors. Well becoming a victor myself it I know a lot about fighting, they're just sloppy."
She looked at me surprised but I wasn't going to tell all of my experience in the hunger games. The new man, Caspian, was introduced to us and I saw his eyes linger over Susan and I. Later when walking to wherever we were going Susan and I talked. She knew all about me and where I grew up and I knew about her and where their family came from.
"She sounds like an amazing archer"
"Katniss is an okay archer, I'm sure you are better"
We laughed and got to the cave where we were staying. After Caspian showed us the broken table where Aslan was killed and resurrected he and I talked more and I got the hint that he favored me.

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