Chapter 5: Fate of the Relens

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After receiving Philip's agreement, his and Merlin's conversation ended shortly after that. Philip sent Merlin to a Story at his request and left the little library. On his way back to the room he, Mimi, and Martin had arrived in, he nearly ran into them, so lost in thought was he. Mimi reacted with her usual irritation. "Philip Andric, would you watch where you're going!" she snapped.

Philip quickly snapped himself out of his stupor. "Sorry, Mimi. I didn't see you there."

"For the last time, I hate that ridiculous nickname!" Mimi snapped, her cheeks turning red with annoyance. It occurred to Philip for the first time that in betraying and declaring war on the Guardians, he was doing the same to Mimi and to Martin. That left an uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach, but there was nothing he could do about it. He had irrevocably committed himself to betraying them. "Are you finished with Merlin?"

"Yeah," Philip said, nodding. "He grilled me about what we were doing here, but I didn't tell him. I figured the less he knew, the better."

"You actually showed wisdom," Mimi said, looking stunned. "Merlin is notoriously tricky to work with. You would be wise to steer clear of him."

"Wise," Philip said. "Yeah ..." There were a lot of words to describe what he planned to do that night. "Wise" was not one of them.

Martin peered at Philip, and he had to fight back the uncomfortable feeling that his protégé knew exactly what he was thinking. "Well, we're done here, I believe. Soon-to-be Sir Lancelot will not be participating in tomorrow night's tournament. I believe that's our mission, yes?" Martin said.

Philip glanced at Mimi. "Well?" he said.

"Let's go," she agreed. "I've had my fill of this Story."

Together, the three Guardians summoned a Story door back to the Guardians' castle. It sat there, an antique-wooden door complete with flaking paint, and one by one they all went through.

. . . . . . . . . .

Philip begged off the mission briefing with the Grimms and Andersens, claiming that he didn't want them to remember how much they had wanted to execute him. To his surprise, Mimi let him go, and Philip used The Story Book to get back to his lonely old mansion. Back in his library, he took in the warmth of the fireplace and the smell of old books. He fully realized that if he went through with his and Merlin's plan, he would lose this. Lose the home that had been in the Andric family for generations.

But what choice did he have? His conscience told him this was the right choice. To finally show the Guardians that there were consequences to their actions. But was following Merlin the right way to go about it?

Sighing, Philip abandoned the library and started gathering the things he wanted to take with him. He had a sword that his father had always carried on top of his two satchels he planned to bring, some food, a few of his favorite books, and a picture of him and his parents. Because of the Guardians' ability to change clothes in The Story, he didn't need any clothes and could include more books. He also took a picture of himself and Mimi, knowing that if they met again, she would hate him for what he had done. "I am sorry, Miriam. But I have to do it," he whispered.

"Do what?"

"Agh!" The picture hit the floor in Philip's bedroom, cracking against the wood. He spun around to face the intruder, who stood in the doorway of the little room. "Martin?!"

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