Chapter 11: Uncomfortably Cellmates

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Philip and most of Merlin's army were gathered in the outside courtyard as the Guardians' army surrounded the castle. "How did this happen?" Philip demanded, following Merlin as he hurried through the crowd.

"We must have a traitor," Merlin snapped. "There's no other way the Guardians could have found us! And I know just who it was."

"Oh, no," Philip said immediately. "It wasn't Mimi. She swore that oath, remember? She literally can't betray you."

"I don't believe that," Merlin said. "But we'll argue about this later, once we finish this. Get with the swordsmen, Andric. We have work to do."

Philip bit back a retort and started moving towards the other men with swords. Someone yelled his name. "Philip!"

He turned to see Mimi running up, looking a little winded. "Philip, how are we getting attacked?" she asked, panting.

Philip shook his head. "Merlin is blaming you."

"Ugh," Mimi muttered. "He's just dying to get me in trouble for something I can't do. How many enemies are there?"

Philip shook his head again when one of the knights of Camelot came running up. "Lady Winthrop," he said, bowing slightly. "I beg your pardon, but Merlin has requested that you be detained."

"Detained?" Mimi and Philip said at the same time.

"Sir Bedivere, you must know this is ridiculous." Martin shoved his way through the crowd, his sleeves sliding over his hands. Where he'd sprung from, Philip wasn't sure. "Miriam couldn't possibly have betrayed the rebellion. First off, she was with Philip in the Water of Life Story, and second of all, when we returned, she was with me the entire time."

Bedivere grimaced, his face wrinkling in displeasure. "I know," he admitted. "But he won't listen to reason. It will be easier if you cooperate, and I can take you somewhere that you'll be safe. Please, Lady Winthrop."

Mimi squirmed uncomfortably. Before she could make her response to Bedivere, a roar caused all four of them to cover their eyes. Something flew over their heads, massive and sending wind blowing through them. The gathered rebels gave yells and screams as Philip saw flames light up the flag atop the highest tower of the castle. "What the heck?" he yelled.

"Dragon," Martin said. "That is a dragon."

"How am I supposed to be safe anywhere with a dragon?" Mimi cried.

"Please, Lady Winthrop!" Bedivere insisted. "With alacrity."

"I'm coming with you," Martin said. "I'll keep you safe. Trust me."

Mimi looked doubtful, but she said nothing as Bedivere took her arm and pulled her away. Martin trailed after them, and Philip let his gaze follow them for a few moments. Stay safe, Mimi. Martin, he prayed.

The dragon's roar from above them and Philip covered his head. Someone grabbed his arm. "Keep your head up, lad!" the big man exclaimed. "Covering your head won't keep it from being burned off your neck!"

At that pleasant picture, Philip stood up straight again. The front gate came crashing open, and with a roar, the Guardians' army rammed into Merlin's and fighting broke out. Philip kept to the back, remembering his oath. The Guardians, he wouldn't fight and kill. But the dragon was another thing altogether ...

. . . . . . . . . .

Mimi and Martin followed Bedivere through the chaos, trying to avoid dying a painful death. Small fights broke out everywhere, and Bedivere maintained his grasp on Mimi's arm as he led them around the battles. Mimi caught a glimpse of Philip running through the battle, his eyes locked on the sky, just before Bedivere pulled them back through the door into the castle.

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