Chapter 17: Sent Away

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The rebel swiftly took Mimi and Philip to the infirmary, full-occupied after their battle with the Guardians. Although the assembled healers and medics didn't want to allow visitors, one of the higher-ups had sided with Mimi over Merlin and allowed them both in. They hurried to Martin's side and Philip recoiled at the sight of him.

The young Guardian had obviously been beaten and badly hurt. One of his arms was at an awkward angle, and his face was a mess of bruises and blood. Goldilocks was in a similar position. Swallowing a black rage, Philip somehow managed to speak. "Who has done this?" he said, his voice lower than normal.

The healer shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't know," he admitted. "The attacker ran off when one of our men found him." He ran long fingers through his straight red hair. Golden eyes smoldered like suns as he spoke. "I can't believe someone would be so cowardly. They seem to have been knocked unconscious by magic, then beaten while they were asleep. Gods, it seems so brutal."

Philip eyed him. "Are you ... a Greek god?" he asked after a moment.

The healer nodded, extending a hand. "Phoebus Apollo," he said. "These are your friends, right?"

Although Philip barely knew Goldie, he couldn't not call her his friend after she had stood by Mimi. He nodded in answer to Apollo's question. "Yeah. Keep watch over them, won't you?" he requested. "I don't want someone coming and getting another shot at them."

"Oh, trust me," Apollo said, his eyes glinting darkly. They resembled molten lava now. "If they come back, they'll have the surprise of their life, I can assure you of that. But where are you going?"

Philip glanced at Mimi, whose eyes were locked on Martin's bruised and bloodied face. She gave no indication of listening to their conversation, though she was standing right there. "We're going to talk this over," he said. "Come on, Mimi."

She jumped as if he'd shocked her before nodding. "Right," she mumbled. The two of them backed out of the infirmary and into the hallway. They stood in relative privacy, at the juncture, where they could see anyone approaching who might overhear their conversation. "Phil, who would do such a terrible thing? Martin's just a boy!"

"I don't know," Philip admitted. "I can't figure out why they'd attack Goldie as well. She's got nothing to do with this whole mess. I mean, I guess it could be because she sided with you, but then, why not just wait and attack the two of us? If they overpowered Martin, they must be very, very powerful."

Before they could go on, Philip saw someone turn the corner down the hall. He pressed his hand into Mimi's arm, silencing her. The two of them waited as none other than Merlin himself walked towards them. He didn't seem to notice their displeasure at being interrupted. "Merlin? What can we do for you?" Philip said. A glance at Mimi showed fury on her face. What was wrong with her?

"I have a mission for you, Philip," Merlin said. "If you'll accept it."

"W-wait," Mimi stammered. "Poor Martin just got attacked and you expect to send his mentor off on some kind of a mission? Have you no pity?"

Merlin turned to her with his eyebrow raised. "As far as I've been informed, Martin's injuries were not fatal. And the entire rebellion cannot come to a grinding halt because of one man's wounds. Unless you'd have us give up when one of us breaks a nail?"

Mimi's face turned beet red, and Philip hastily spoke over her. "I'll go. What Story are you sending me to?" As far as he was concerned, she could handle the Alan situation by showing him where Will was being kept.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2017 ⏰

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