Chapter 15: Fitting Together the Pieces

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To her credit, Goldie only looked surprised at Martin's admission for three heartbeats. After that, she rearranged her features and said, "That's all very well. But what do you plan to do now?"

Martin smiled. She was just the sort of person he would have no trouble working with. "I plan to visit this outlaw prisoner of Merlin's and see if freeing him is a viable option," he replied. "If it's not, then I plan to go to Philip and appraise him of the situation. He deserves to know, after all."

"I agree," Goldilocks said. "No use waiting time. I'll take you to Will." There was no hesitation in her voice that Martin wouldn't want her coming with him. She automatically assumed that he would.

Martin smiled. "I'd appreciate that," he said. "Shall we go?"

He held the door open for Goldie, and she sniffed at him irritably as she passed him by. Deciding that didn't deign a response, Martin waited until she was out to close the door. To his surprise, she stepped up to it and put her hand over the lock. He distinctly heard the sound of the lock sliding home. "Did you break in here?" he asked with a hint of reproach.

Goldie smiled innocently. "I don't know what you're talking about," she replied. "Let's face it, if I hadn't broken in, you wouldn't know what you know now. Right?"

"I suppose," Martin muttered. "Let's go."

The two of them walked through the halls, not rushing. It would only draw eyes to them if they hurried; not that there were any eyes to see them. Everyone was either applauding Mimi and Philip or sulking in their rooms about their failure to kill Mimi. Still, it didn't hurt to be cautious.

It didn't take them long to reach the door Goldie said held the prisoner. True to her word, the door was blocked by a slab of wood and locked. While Martin removed the bolt from the door, Goldie set about unlocking it. Although Martin could do it himself, he was curious to see how quickly she could do it. It only took her about three seconds. Martin's eyebrows shot up in admiration. "Where did you learn to do that?" he asked.

Goldie grinned at him. "How do you think I broke into the three bears' house?" she replied.

Deciding that didn't require a response, Martin opened the door and they both went inside. Sure enough, there was a lanky, redhaired teenager tied up in there. His dark eyes went wide when he saw them, and Martin knelt beside him, removing the gag from his mouth. "Hello there," he said, smiling in a friendly manner. "Are you Will Scarlet?"

The boy nodded after a moment. "Yes. Did Goldie bring you?" he asked.

"She did indeed," Martin replied. "My name is Martin Relen. It's good to meet you, Will."

The boy gave a faint smile. "I wish it could've been under better circumstances. You're not going to kill me, are you? Every time someone comes in, I think that Merlin has finally gotten tired of me."

"No," Martin said. "No killing. I'm not fond of it. About as fond of it as I am of music, to be honest, which is not at all. So, tell me. Do you know why he's kept you here?"

"Oh, I wish I knew," Will answered with a sigh. "It's terribly boring in this cell. Honestly, he could at least have demonstrated the courtesy to tell me why the devil he's holding me in this blasted place."

"Allow me to extend that courtesy to you," Martin said. He proceeded to explain about his and Goldie's discovery about The Four of The Story from Merlin's diary. The outlaw listened silently, squirming occasionally in his bindings, but never interrupting. Once Martin had finished, Will thought it through for several minutes. Finally, he spoke. "He wants ... my blood?" he said.

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