Chapter 6: To Steal The Story

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Philip and Martin went to the room containing Philip's Story Book and went inside. Martin glanced at Philip as the older Guardian stared at the book. "We don't have to do this, you know," Martin said. "You could just go to the Guardians and tell them Merlin's plans. Chances are, they'd reward you."

Philip shrugged, a tiny gesture. "And then what? Watch people die, because I refused to act? I'd be sentencing them to unending torture. I feel like Merlin's plan is the only way to go."

"Mind you, Merlin might be in it for himself," Martin said thoughtfully. "He's not exactly the most reliable of people, at least this version of him. My parents had constant arguments about whether or not to trust him. He's sneaky, conniving, and thinks he deserves better. He could be taking advantage of you."

"On the other hand, he's rebelling with the rest of The Story, and I'll be able to make sure he keeps it fair for them," Philip said. "I don't know. I just don't. Every time I try and find a reason to back out, I find two more to stay in. I guess I'm just stuck with this."

"Well, if you're decided, then," Martin replied, "let's go."

Although Philip wasn't positive that he was decided, he nevertheless approached The Story Book. Martin stayed a little behind him, on his tiptoes to see what Philip was doing. "What about you?" Philip questioned, his hand an inch from The Story Book's pages. "Are you sure?"

"Positive," Martin answered. "Nothing like a little adventure, hm? Now, stop delaying the inevitable and let's go."

Heaving a sigh, Philip rested his hand on the pages of The Story Book.

. . . . . . . . . .

Philip thought that traveling through The Story Book wasn't the most comfortable mode of travel. The moment when, for lack of a better word, one regained consciousness was a disquieting experience, to find oneself in a whole other room or world. The Story doors were much easier and gentler; the unfortunate aspect of those was that they took longer to form and were harder to get to leave Stories and back into the real world.

It was strange for Philip to find himself in the Guardians' castle at night. It was dark, silent, and all-around creepy. Martin, however, seemed unaffected. "It's very peaceful at night, isn't it?" the younger Guardian commented blithely.

Philip groaned inwardly. How had he ended up with such a strange protégé? He decided his best course of option with Martin would be not to answer and went to the door. This time, oddly enough, they weren't in the room with The Story Book. "We're an unauthorized entrance," Philip realized. "The security sent us to the cells!"

Martin stuck out his lower lip as he considered the unfurnished, circular tower cell they were trapped in. It was windowless, unlit, and made of white stone. Philip's protégé went to the heavy wooden door and examined it, even resting his ear against the wood. He turned to Philip with a sly smile. "You'd like to get out, wouldn't you?" he said.

"Yes, of course I want to get out! They'll write us in for this for sure!" Philip answered frantically. How could he have just forgotten the security protocols? Had he really expected to just teleport in with The Story Book, grab it, and get out?

Martin smirked. "But it's unlocked." He pushed the door, and it swung open with what felt like the loudest creak in the whole world.

Philip cringed. "How did you do that?"

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