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"Please stop!"

"Get back here!"

"Why are you doing this?"

"It's your fault he's gone! Get out of my house!"

I was startled awake to the sound of honking cars. The usual. I just decided it was time to get up, since all the traffic would last for a while since everyone was headed to work. I picked up my bag and put my jacket on and made my way to who knows where. I couldn't go back home, since I was no longer welcome there ever since what happened. I've just been sleeping wherever I can find that seems safe, which is basically no where since this was the lower class part of Sydney. I decided to go check out the record store like I usually do this early in the morning. I walked in, taking the smell of record covers and old books in. Damn I loved that smell.

"Hey Marney" I said to the 50 year old man at the counter. He's really nice and kind of my only friend in this town.

"Hey Layla, how goes it"

"It's been great. You sellin Ramones today?"

"Yes ma'am. In fact we have one more record in stock"

"I'll take it"

I gave him whatever money I had left crumbled in my pocket and walked over to the record player across the store. Sure, it was covered in dust, but it was still great quality. I placed the record on the turn table and began to let it play, blasting throughout the store. After I let a few songs play, I decided it was time to leave and go find somewhere else to be. As I made my way out, I heard an all too familiar voice calling my name...

"Layla! Layla get back here!"

I didn't even turn to see who it was before I took off running.

"You little bitch come back!"

I took off and ran as fast as I possibly could. I didn't stop running until I found some shrubs to hide in. I leaped and tangled myself in the branches and thorns. I heard the person running up and stop right in front of the bushes, looking in every other direction. I held my breath, not wanting them to hear me. As soon as they left, I made sure they were clear down the road. As I got up, I noticed the blood all over me from the thorns. I had some scratches on my face, but the black eye has been there for a while. My favorite leather jacket had some scratches too. My pants were always ripped, but my long chocolate brown hair was now a tangled mess. I held my arm trying to get through the pain that I was feeling from jumping in. I had no clue where I was, but I could smelled the sweet aroma of someone barbecuing. Of course me being me, I decided to follow it, even though I would never be able to consume what was giving my nose the sweet pleasure. I kept walking until I started to hear some laughing, which strangely got me really sad. I haven't had a good laugh in a long time. That's when I started to miss my dad. He always knew how to make me laugh.

I continued down the road in pain and in tears, absolutely broken. There only seemed to be one house down this road. I passed by slowly since I was tired from running when I noticed someone was walking out to their bin. I could feel their eyes on me as I continued to walk in hopes that they would just ignore me like everyone in this town does. I couldn't stop crying, but for once i didn't care that they could see me. At least until they began talking.

"Hello? Ma'am? Are you okay?"

I turned my head to look at who it was. It was a boy. He looked very familiar, but then again I know a lot of people, but I swear I've seen him before. I just brushed off that Deja Vu feeling and answered him.

"Um..not really, but I'll be fine"

"Are you sure miss?"

"Y-no.. I guess not"

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