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My heart jumped out of my chest as me and Calum both bolted upright, hearing the sound of glass shattering ringing through our ears. I swear my heart was going to beat out of my chest. I looked over to Calum to find that he was in the same state. We just looked at each other shaking, our eyes wide open. We slowly stood up, each grabbing something to defend ourselves, need be. I picked up a nearby bat, which was very convenient if I may add. Calum picked up his bass for some strange reason. "Really?" I whisper yelled.

"Do you want to die?" he said, holding the bass over his shoulder. I shrugged and we finally made our way to the door. He stood in front of me putting his hand on the knob of the door and looking back at me, hesitating every move he made. He tightly took my hand and intertwined our fingers and I instantly felt a little more safe than I should. He twisted the knob ever so slightly and opened the door. As soon as we did, we met Michael and Crystal to find them in the exact same state. After a few moments, our attention turned to the staircase to find Luke and Ashton slowly making their way down the stairs. Luke holding his guitar over his shoulder and Ashton with his drumsticks. "Why use your instruments?" I whispered. They shrugged their shoulders and averted their attention to the kitchen which was just down the hall.

We walked very quietly to the kitchen with everyone behind us. As we finally entered, we saw that the window to the sliding glass door in the back was shattered to the point that there was nothing left of the it. My grip tightened as we approached the broken glass. We all were startled when Luke suddenly turned the lights on. We looked around the glass and noticed the cause of the glass breaking. It was a brick with a white paper on it. I picked it up, scraping the excess glass off to see that there was a note on it. I read it in disbelief. The note read "WATCH OUT" in all caps. I got goosebumps all over my body. I showed everyone else and huddled closer to Calum, not sure what to think. "Who could have done this?" I asked, with bit of a shaky voice.

"I-I don't know. Who do we know who would do this?" Luke asked.

"A lot of people Luke...A lot of people" I said with a bit of a chuckle.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, you broke up with Arzaylea, who we all know is crazy. Michael and Crystal are now public, which we all know someone is going to be upset over that. And Calum and I are...." I said trailing off my voice, not sure as to what label to put on us.

"A thing now" he stepped in chuckling.

"Yes. A thing. Which would also piss a lot of people off."

"Layla...." Ashton spoke up quietly. I just looked up at him, knowing what he was going to bring up.

"Would your mom be capable of this?" I said. I could feel all eyes on me and it was a lot to handle. Tears began forming on the brim of my eyes.

"I-I...I mean..How would she know where I am?" I mean it's not like she followed me here.

"I don't know. All I do know is we need to call the police and fix that window" Michael said. I just sat there, tears falling down my face with Calum holding me tightly. I was so scared, surely this had to be about me. Not to be conceited but I don't think this has happened to them before I got here.

"This is probably all of my fault" I said wiping my face.

"What, Layla don't say that" Crystal said patting my back.

"I mean..has this happened before I got here?" I looked up and everyone was looking in every other direction except mine.

"Well.." Ashton said quietly. I knew it. It is all my fault. I quickly got up and walked up to the balcony quickly, crying uncontrollably. How could I have not seen this? I mean someone who hates me clearly wants me harmed. Should I even stay here? Could it have really been my mom? I couldn't control my tears. They just kept coming. I was startled when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up, not being able to see through my tears as I wiped my eyes. It was Calum. He sat next to me on the sofa chair and I instantly crashed into him. "I'm so sorry Calum. This is all my fault."

"How could it be your fault?" he asked, rubbing my back.

"Because, someone is obviously upset with me and this never happened before I came here. I'm putting your lives in danger" I said, uncontrollably crying.

"Layla babe" those words made me calm down a little bit. "This could have been absolutely anybody for any reason. Don't be so hard on yourself" He said still rubbing my back.

"I just don't want anyone to get hurt because of me" I said sniffling.

"I know babe. Nothing will happen I promise. Even if we need to hire the best security ever, nothing will happen to us and I'll make sure absolutely nothing happens to you". I looked up at him in total awe. How could he be so great to me?

"I don't deserve you" I said, crashing back into him. We just stayed there like that, rocking back and forth until I calmed down. "You know, considering what just happened, we should probably go back inside"

"Yeah you're probably right" he said taking my hand and leading me back to his room. I swear I don't deserve this man. I can't believe how calm he is being. Any other person would just throw me out or ask me to leave, since I'm such a danger to everyone's life. Maybe that's what I should do. Maybe I should just leave. I can't live with knowing the fact that someone is out to get me and knows where I am. I can't live with knowing that I am the reason these innocent people are all in danger. I especially can't do that to Calum. That's it. I should just go and keep everyone safe.

Luckily, Calum was still asleep, but his arm was around me tightly. I calmly removed it and he adjusted it, laying it back on the pillow. I gave him one last kiss on the head and made my way to his door. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard him make a noise.

"Mm. Layla?" he said, obviously still half asleep. I walked over to him and ran my fingers through his hair. It instantly put him back to sleep with a little smile on his face. I walked back to his door once more and made my way to "my room". I packed up my things, which wasn't very much, and shut my door. I was going to miss it here. These are amazing people, but I would feel much better knowing that they were safe rather than keeping them in danger. I opened the front door and stepped out, quietly closing the door behind me. I started to tear up, knowing I was never going to see them again.

Then I finally took the steps and walked away from the house towards the road. Did I have a definite place to go? Not at all. Luckily I had a certain person's cell phone number in my back pocket in case I needed it. I scrolled through my contacts and tapped on his name, hearing the phone ring. It rang twice before someone picked up.


"Hey Nikki, it's me Layla Roberts. Could I come stay with you for a while?"

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