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I woke up to an empty bed, assuming Calum was up already. I decided it was time for me to get up too. As I peeled out from under the covers, I shivered as the cold air hit my skin, giving me goosebumps. I put on my slippers and robe and walked out to the kitchen. I was right, Calum was up and ready for the day. I smelled a very delightful smell, which was Crystal making breakfast.

"Goodmorning sunshine!" Crystal greeted me.

"Goodmorning to you" I said back. Nothing was ready yet so I just decided to walk around upstairs. I found a balcony that over looks the pool in the back. Ashton and Luke were in there with a giant white, plastic dog. They noticed me shortly after and gave me a small wave.

"Layla! Come join us!" Luke said.

I got really shy, noticing there were only boys in the pool. Yeah. Kind of awkward, but hey, I had nothing to do today, why not.

"I don't have a suit love" I said back. I was startled by Crystal behind me.

"No problem, just borrow one of mine."

I reluctantly agreed as she threw me one of her suits. It was very..what's the word..small. It was a bandeau, strapless top, with matching bottoms, that weren't too flattering. I put it on in the bathroom, not wanting to undress in front of someone, obviously. When I came out, I was being bombarded by whistles from Crystal and words like "hot mama". Gross.

I slowly made my way downstairs, being shy at my revealing body, and slid the glass door open that leads to the pool. By the time I had gotten down there, Calum, Arzaylea, and Michael had joined them. I let Crystal go in front of me, so I wouldn't be seen, but that was a mistake because she made a grand entrance for me. As I finally revealed myself, all conversation came to a pause and all eyes were on me. My face felt like it was 1000 degrees right now. "What are you staring at?" I said innocently. I stole a glance from Calum who, in fact, wasn't even looking at me. He had his head down, focusing on whatever was in front of him, smiling. "alright alright shows over" I said and jumped in the pool. We all just hung out for a bit until some of us started getting bored.

"What time is it tonight?" Luke asked with Arzaylea under his arm.

"Um I think were leaving here around 4:30"

"For what?" I asked, very confused.

"The AP Music Awards" Calum said.

"Were all going, and now you are" Crystal said.

"Oh, I could never. I mean I don't even have anything to wear."

After I said that Crystal's eyes grew to the size of the moon and her smile grew a thousand times bigger.

"Shopping!" she shouted which startled me. Then she dragged me by my arm out of the pool. We dried off, got dressed, and Crystal fixed her makeup. I wasn't wearing any, obviously, my makeup was back...there. We then got into her car and sped off to the nearest mall.

"When's the last time you went shopping?" Crystal asked. Which I didn't really know the answer to. It might've been when I was really young, with my dad.

"Um, I think when I was really young with my dad"

"Ohh. Well don't worry, we'll find you something super scandalous for you to wear to show off to that little boyfriend of yours"

"Pardon me?" I asked.

"Um, honey. You slept in Calum's room last night and he's been staring at you all day"

"Okay, one, he was being helpful since I couldn't sleep, and two, you let me borrow that tiny suit"

"Whatever you sayyyy" she said.

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