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When I woke up everything was very quiet and cold, which was kind of unusual. Usually I wake up to the boys yelling or laughing about something. I got up, threw on my robe and slippers and made my way to the kitchen. The only people there were Arzaylea and Crystal. Crystal noticed me coming in and greeted me with a warm hug. Arzaylea just gave me a cold smile and went back to her phone. As per usual. I made myself some breakfast, which if I may add, was painfully awkward because all of us were really quiet. Finally after a few sips of my drink I decided to just break the ice.

"Where are the guys?" I asked, which immediately triggered a huff from Arzaylea.

"Um I think they went to the studio. Something about an emergency meeting" Crystal said sweetly.

"Oh okay" I said. A few hours went by with nothing but empty conversations and basic cleaning. By now it was lunch time so I decided to go get something.

"Alright I'm gonna go out for lunch, do you girls want anything"

I got a nod meaning "no" from Arz. Crystal already had some so it was just me. I grabbed my purse and money, not worrying about keys because I didn't have a car anymore. I should probably go get that. I stepped outside and made my way down the street. I bundled myself up into my leather jacket, since it felt like negative twenty degrees outside. I walked up to this adorable café, taking off my gloves and reaching for my money. I just ordered a salad and caramel frappuccino and sat down at the table inside. For about twenty minutes, I just ate my food and scrolled on my phone. The peacefulness was then interrupted by someone sitting at my table. It was a guy who looked to be in his twenties. He was very intriguing though. His dirty blonde hair stood up perfectly, his piercing blue eyes were almost like the ocean. It was kind of scary because he almost looked like Luke. Just without the lip ring and facial hair.

"Can I help you?" I asked, trying not to sound to rude.

"Actually yes" he said back, his voice becoming very deep.

"Okay" I said putting my phone down. "What can I do?" I asked.

"Well" he said putting his hand on mine "You can hang out with me later"

"But I just met you"

"And I just met you, and I've already mustered up the courage to ask you out within the thirty seconds I've been here"

I giggled curiously at his confidence, but was very flattered.

"Now, why would I hang out with someone I just met"

"Well, it gives you a chance to get to know me"

"You do have a point"

"Yes I do. So, can I get your number?" he asked, sounding more shy than he came off.

I gladly typed my digits into his phone, and he did the same to mine. He then said goodbye and that I would see him later. I quickly finished my drink and salad and walked back home. On the way he called me, of course. It was just a normal conversation. Just talking about what we were gonna do. He just wanted to lay on the hood of his car and talk, which sounded perfect to me. I hung up as soon as I got in the door, uncontrollably smiling. At first he came off as a little too confident, but I was warming up to him. When I walked into the living room, all the guys had come home and were sitting around the living room.

"What's got you all smiley?" Ashton asked.

"Why so curious?" I asked back smirking.

"Because you're usually not this happy. Do tell us"

"Okay, I have a date tonight!" I said

Everyone came to shower me with hugs and congratulate me, well all except for Calum which had me very confused. I said my thank you and we all looked to Calum who didn't look impressed one bit.

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