Let The Rivalry Begin

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GayForAshKetchum24~ Level 5


"Hey, Trev! Is your brother coming with us?" I asked my roommate, who was in his room getting ready for the day. Today held high importance. We were going to the nearest gym in the city to choose our respective teams.

I didn't get a response from him and it turns out I didn't need one. The front door burst open and in strutted Kian, Trevor's brother. He didn't even have the decency to knock for crying out loud!

"Kian! What a surprise! Make yourself at home," I exclaimed sarcastically. He shot me a grin and a thumbs up as he made his way over to plop himself down on the couch. We're going to have to keep that door locked, I thought to myself.

"Is my brother almost ready?" he asked, starting to fix his hair in the camera of his phone. I shrugged and bent down to retrieve a bottled water from the fridge. Just as I was twisting off the cap, Trevor sauntered into the room.

"Everybody ready? Good. Let's go," he beamed, making a scene knowing very well that we've been waiting on him. I rolled my eyes at him as I took a drink of water. Trevor walked out the door, and I shot a look towards Kian.

"You're brother is insufferable," I mumbled. He got up from the couch, and the two of us trailed after Trevor.

"You're the one that liked him enough to live with him," he replied.

"Touché," I huffed. We caught up to him, and the three of us fell into a line as we made our way downtown towards the gym.



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The walk to the park where the gym was located felt like it took ages. Kian and Trevor messed around the whole time, earning us strange looks from people who passed us by. Although it didn't bother me, I couldn't help but be annoyed as they weren't focusing on the real reason we were out and about in the first place.

When the large sign of the park was in view, I could feel my spirits lift. Shushing the two rowdy brothers, I took a deep breath and continued forward. Growing closer, my eyes landed on a pair of boys that looked oddly familiar sitting off to the side of the large sign.

"You've actually got to be kidding me," I muttered under my breath. Kian gave me a curious look as we stopped a few feet away from Gold Metal Park. Trevor lied a hand on my shoulder and tried to cover up a chuckle as he spotted what... or should I say who, I was looking at.

"It's our best friends," Trevor teased. At the sound of our footsteps approaching, the two boys Trevor and I "met" yesterday looked up to see us from they're sitting position in the grass. Immediately, the one that I spoke to briefly, frowned at me. The other boy adjusted his sunglasses and stuck his nose in the air at our presence.

"Just ignore them," I told my companions, definitely loud enough for the other two to hear. I heard one of them scoff, but tuned them out as I looked down at my phone. I smiled in satisfaction as I found that the gym was already owned by Team Instinct.

Going into it, Professor Willow popped up on the screen and went into little detail about gyms, after that, the silhouettes of the three team leaders were on display. Instantly, I tapped on the outline of the only male; Spark. Within seconds, I was a part of Team Instinct.

"What team did you guys pick?" Kian asked, putting his phone down.

"Instinct," Trevor and I said in unison. We both grinned and gave each other a high five. Kian just smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I chose Mystic. Blue is my favorite and Blanche looked hot," he shrugged. I was about to reply, but was interrupted when the other two boys stood up.

"Figures you'd choose the weakest team," the one boy spoke. I still hadn't learned his name, and I didn't plan on it. I only knew the other was Lance, because of his name being shouted yesterday.

"I'd barely even consider Mystic as a worth opponent," Lance chipped in. I narrowed my eyes at the two.

"Let me guess. You two chose Valor," I spat, not even wanting to utter those words. They both smirked. Lance started to walk away, but the other stayed, clearly wanting to keep going.

"Calum, let's go," Lance growled. I raised my eyebrows at his name, startled to actually be learning it.

"Go on, Cal," I teased, shortening his name to hopefully get a rise out of him... and a rise I got. His nostrils flared out, and I could practically see the steam shooting from his ears. He stomped closer to me, putting hardly any space between us.

"Listen here and listen good. Stay out of my way. I don't want to see your name on any of these gyms, and I don't want to see you around every again. Don't act like you're tough. You're going no where," he warned, venom dripping from every word he spoke. My eyes widened a bit at his hostility, but I quickly took it in stride. It was expected. How could we every get along. We were sworn enemies as soon as we chose our teams. These were the paths we were going to take. There was no going back.

"I wouldn't speak too soon. You're going to be eating your words when I leave you in my dust," I spoke in a challenging tone. He gave me a wicked smile before backing off, making his way back to Lance.

"I hope to not see you around," he called, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Right back at ya," I retorted. With that, we turned our backs on each other. This was the beginning of our rivalry. Little did we know we would soon see each other again. If only we knew then what this rivalry would truly become.

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