Keeping Score

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GayForAshKetchum~ Level 8


"Yo, Trev. Have you heard about the Pikachu Easter Egg?" I asked as I'm lounging on the couch, scrolling through the abundance of Reddit pages about the game. He leaned over the back of the couch and swiped my phone out of my hands. A small frown appeared on my face as I watched his eyes scan through the displayed information.

"That would of have come in handy a few days ago. Could've avoided the whole trespassing thing," he teased.

"Do you think they added in that new loading screen warning us about paying attention and to not trespass because of us?" I joked, sitting up.

"A boy could only hope," he sighed and disappeared from my line of vision after returning my phone. I looked at the black screen of my locked device in thought.

"I think I'm going to hit up a few gyms today. Want to come?"

"You wouldn't by chance talking about actual gyms, right? To work out in?"

"Of course not."

"Right. Why how could I even ask that? The Leonardo actually working out? Unheard of," Trevor gasped dramatically. I narrowed my eyes and threw a pillow at him.

"I do to work out. Every other day thank you very much," I defended. He just chuckled and placed the pillow back on the couch.

"Anyways, I can't. I have to third wheel with Kian and Lydia today," he groaned.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Have fun with that," I said, trying to feign sympathy. He stuck his tongue out at me. I smiled and got up to pull my shoes on.

"See you later, then," I waved and walked out the door. Traveling a good distance away from the house, I finally looked down at my phone. It vibrated a few times, but there weren't any pokémon that I actually needed. There were just the typical Pidgeys and Ratattas with a Caterpie dotted here and there.

Finding a grassy spot near a building where a gym was located, I decided to hunker down. There were only a few pokémon stationed in the Valor gym that I was determined to take out. I was going to be here until I did.

Going into it, I found that there was a Pidgeotto, Ivysaur, and a Vaporeon. I hesitated a bit upon seeing the avatar standing next to the Vaporeon, who was acting as the gym leader for now. Cal-Pal14... It couldn't be.

"I fucking hate him," I muttered under my breath. I kept mumbling profanities under my breath as I selected my team to go and battle. It only took a few minutes to completely demolish the gym and claim it as my own. It would've taken me a little less time if the game wasn't so god damn buggy.

"Well. My good deed has been done for the day," I grinned and stood up. Glancing down at my phone, I was shocked to see that the gym was already under attack. I froze in place, watching as it was taken down and replaced by a red outline and a new pokémon. Going back into it, the same name as before was being displayed. "You've got to be kidding me. This little shit."

My eyes scanned the area, searching for the culprit. I knew he was around here somewhere. Cautiously peering around the side of the building, I spotted him. Calum was leaning against the side of the building, one hand in his pocket, and the other clutching his phone. My mouth pulled into a hard line. Game on.

Over the next hour, the two of us went back and forth. It was almost comical at how fast the gym would switch between red and yellow. Quite frankly, my fingers were getting tired of tapping on the screen repeatedly. My phone was hot and nearing a very low battery percentage. It was time one of us ended this, and the only way was to confront him head on.

"Hey, dumbass!" I called out, coming around the corner and approaching the boy. At the sound of my voice, his head snapped up to stare in my direction. I could see his body tense up as he pushed off from the wall to stand up straight.

"It's been you this whole time? Did you not listen to a word I said?!" he yelled, throwing his hands up in exasperation after he slipped his phone into his pocket.

"Surprised that I was actually giving you a run for your money? Told you I'd leave you in my dust. You're nothing special," I mocked. His hands balled into fists at his sides. Several moments of silence passed between us, before he spoke up again.

"How about we settle this. Split the city in half. You get the North and I'll get the South. We'll have full reign and access to anything in our respective regions. The other is, of course, off limits," he suggested coolly.

"You can't split up a huge city," I deadpanned. From our short distance a part, I could see his eye twitch in annoyance.

"Figuratively, Leo! It's a metaphor!" he exclaimed in frustration.

"I didn't know we were on a first name basis already..." I trailed off, purposely making him angry.

"Y-You're literally unbelievable. I'm leaving," he breathed out in disbelief, storming past me in the opposite direction I took to get to the gym.

"I'm still going to use your side of the city so..." I called after him. All I got in response was a finger in the air. I waited until he disappeared from sight, before turning back to my phone. I smirked as I re-opened Pokemon Go and retook the gym from him.

"Leo one. Calum Zero," I chuckled to myself. Once I was finished, I headed back home, hoping Trevor was back so I could tell him what happened during my venture out of the house. Knowing him, I wouldn't get a word in until he finished telling me about his time with Kian and Lydia. He was definitely over dramatic in some cases... maybe he was rubbing off on me.

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