Chapter 7

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Narrator's POV

The dwarfs, men and elves stood on one side while the orcs on the other. They jumped off their ponies and horses and sent them off a far distance. As Bard and Thranduil yell 'to war' in English, Thorin turns to his dwarfs and holds his sword up. "Du-bekâr!" They all charge forward, against the orcs.

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

The battle was bloody and fierce. Luckily they out numbered the orcs and no one had died. The wounded where being healed by the Elves. A fair distance away there stands Thranduil, Thorin and Bard, talking. "We must get home, our women are there and we want to make sure they are okay. Is there a quicker way?"

Bard watches with amusement as the dwarf and elf kings have an argument about leaving earlier that expected. "Well, it doesn't worry me that they are at home. Go when they are healed."

Thorin growls. "We leave. Now." The dwarf men hear and jump on their ponies. Thorin watches and turns to Thranduil with a smug look on his face. Thorin follows, jumping on Minty and he starts leading them back home.

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

The dwarven men pushed on, through the dark night. Slowly but surely, Erebor was in sight. They were itching to go home to find their families.

Thorin looks at them and smiles. "Go." As he said this, ponies ran past him quickly. Dwalin, Kili andFili stayed behind. "Not in a rush Thorin?" He smiles. "I am.... I just want to let Minty rest... She can't run right now..."

A few minutes later before Thorin enters Erebor, his men run to him. "They are gone!" "The houses are empty." Thorin's mind starts running. "Check EVERYWHERE!"

~~~ Time Skip ~~~

The dwarfs walk back to him, tears in there eyes. Kili and Fili hug Thorin. "Mother... We can't find her..." Thorin holds them close. "It will be okay..." They let go and Thorin walks to the doors of the Great Hall.

"Lets eat and..." he opens the door, with his men behind him, only to see the women and children asleep. The men cheer and run to their families. Cries of joy and words of love are spilt around the Great Hall. Fili, Kili and Dis are hugging, softly crying. Thorin runs forward and picks up his children. "Papa!! They scream and hug him.

"My children! My little ones!!" He holds the close to him. He sets them down after a minute and looks around. "Where is your mama?"

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