2. Call To Adventure

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"You are leaving again to go there, Donald?" Vladimir's voice sounded through the phone, his accent thick with curiosity and slight distaste. For at least the fifth time in the last 3 months, I was packing to visit the forbidden country better known as North Korea. The country was ruled by the stout, young leader of only 33, Kim Jong-un, who has been in presidency since 2011. Since my recent introduction into presidency, Kim Jong-un has showed interest in me after our first meeting and since then has continued to invite me back into his country with open arms—literally. That is one reason why Vladimir is uneasy when I speak with him of my visits with the younger male.

"Yes," I began my reply, searching around my untidy room making sure I had everything, "Jong-un invited me back. He said that he wanted to talk about something of importance. Said he had a proposition." Since my meeting with the shorter man, we've developed a friendship that shocked many. Jong-un, who ruled over his country with an iron fist, had yet to lift the harsh hold over his country. Vladimir 'hmphed' over the line at my response.

"That short-stack better watch his actions, or else I'll be dining on pancakes soon," grumbled Vladimir. I let out a laugh and felt my lips string into a wide smile.

"Of course, dear. Now I have to leave," I said, "the jet is ready for my journey to your favorite person's country." I let out a small giggle at my jibe. My cheeks warmed as I said my farewells. "I'll be sure to call you when I've landed safely. I love you."

"I love you too, my dear. I will speak to you soon." With that I heard the familiar click, signifying that the phone call was over. I made my way out of my room, my bags in my hands as I walked towards the front door of the vast house. Soon I will be on a flight to Wonsan Bay, where Jong-un lives.

After an exhausting flight I had finally arrived to my destination. Luckily Jong-un preferred his privacy and had an area where aircraft runways could make their landing. I was greeted by a housemaid who quickly grabbed my bags and gave me a quick smile before darting off to the entrance of the house. As I walked my way towards the entrance a familiar voice rang throughout the air.

"Welcome!" I spotted the short stature walking towards me and I smiled.

"Jong-un, thank you for inviting me back again," I said as we neared closer. Jong-un held his arms wide as he brought me in for a hug.

"Thank you for coming, Donald," he began, "please, follow me. I'd like to ask you about something." I followed him into the house until we reached a cozy room where a tea cart and the same lady who grabbed my bags stood waiting for us. "Tea?" He asked as he made a gesture to the young lady to begin on his as he sat in the chair by my own.

"I would like a cup, yes. Light milk, four sugars, thank you." He let out a laugh as the girl finished up the cups of tea before making her way towards us, and sat the fragile tea cups with intricate designs decorated on its exterior on the table between the two chairs. I watched as she retreated back to the far end of the room where it was slightly shaded, head down the entire time as though she was afraid to be attacked; either verbally or physically, I could not tell.

"Americans' and their sweet tooth," Jong-un said with a little laugh. He sobered up slightly and looked pensive before continuing. "Donald, I must confess something to you and I am hoping that you can be respectful enough at least to not rub salt in my already ragged wounds." I was in state of utmost curiosity. What could he wish to confess?

"Please, go ahead. I want you to trust me," I looked into his eyes with sincerity and moved so that I sat at the edge of my seat, sitting so that I was facing towards Jong-un, "we're friends, good ones at that, and you should know that trust is key." Jong-un blushed and cleared his throat before letting out a deep breath of air.

"See, that is what I wish to speak of, Donald," his voice shook and I could see his body give small tremors with every intake and outtake of breath. "I have developed a... crush? Yes, I have developed a strong liking for you. A-and I know that you and that Putin fellow are together, but Donald think of what we could be." I was sat in absolute shock. My mind was blank but a whirlwind of thought all at once and I could not comprehend how that was possible. My mouth was suddenly parched and my heart was in my throat again. I tried to say something but I couldn't form a coherent thought to even begin with. I was struck with the sudden thought of a devious plan. Already was I buddying up to the young leader in hopes that I could influence him to become more lenient and release the detainees he had locked up. This is my opportunity to break the barriers between this secluded country and the world.

"I see..." Jong-un's somber voice cut through my thoughts, awakening me back into reality.

"Wait!" I exclaimed loudly in embarrassment, "I'm sorry. I was thinking about this. I'm just so surprised, that's all." I gave a small hesitant smile, towards the black haired male in front of me. "Can I have a day or two to think? Please?" Jong-un's face lit up brightly as if he was a light bulb that had been switched on.

"Thank you, Hyung! I am ever so generous for your consideration!" His smile was large and his eyes shone with excitement. I smiled back and positioned myself back into the chair more comfortably and picked up the beautiful and dainty tea cup.

"No," I began my voice dripping with satisfaction and an edge of deviance, "thank you, Jong-un." The undertones of my speech went unnoticed by the obviously flustered younger male and I could not have been more grateful. "I do hate to cut this short, but I'd like to take some time to adjust to the time difference and think. So if you'll excuse me..." I began to stand from seat, grasping the teacup back into my hands and placing it back on the cart. I turned to Jong-un and gave a slight bow. "Goodnight, Jong-un. Please, sleep well," I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear and with that I turned and retreated to the room I had grown accustomed to since coming to visit here. Upon my arrival to the room I hastefully changed and fell back into the plush bed, sleep swallowing me whole. 


I welcome feedback yo

so lay it on me, 


because I'm delicate.

Thanks (:

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