5. Tests

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It has been a few months since the beginning of my new relationship with the young Korean, and so far there has been tremendous progress with the three of us all becoming more comfortable with one another and sharing more trust. The housemaid who regularly greets me when I arrive has played a large role in this. 

The housemaid, now known as Park Hyun-ah, has become aware of my plan to bring down the reigning terror that is known as Kim Jong-un and has contributed to putting Vladimir and me in good light. Hyun-ah reports to Jong-un saying that we're good for each other and that she can see how much I care. Hyun-ah wishes to help me because she is afraid of what will become of her country and the world if someone doesn't stop Jong-un's reign.

One night while we sit on the comfortable and plush sofa, cuddling while watching Hwarang, a Korean drama, I brought up the first topic on my list to help aid my plan.

"Jong-un, I wish you'd allow more of a variety for your people." I wanted to hold my breath and disappear until I knew that it was going to be okay. I'm taking a risk, but it's for all the right reasons.

"What do you mean?" His voice sounded as sharp as a dagger looks, and it felt as though it was pressed up against my neck, daring to break skin.

"I just meant that you keep them so sheltered, baby. I wish that they could watch things like this or any other program that they'd like. Watching the news and scheduled reruns can get boring." My voice was soft, not daring to rile up the small man even more than he seemed to already be by my prying. I ran my hand up and down his thigh lightly, fingers grazing the inner of said thigh. 

"And if you gave them more freedom to explore things like the internet and music, think of how you could unify your country even more, but in a healthy way." Jong-un sat in pensive silence and I didn't wish to push it anymore. "I'm sorry," I began nuzzling his neck, "I don't mean to tell you how to run your country. I-"

"No." His abrupt response made me jump back slightly. "You are right." I was startled by his confirmation that came so quickly. He grabbed the remote and muted the TV, moving his body so that he faced me more. "You really think that by doing this it can improve my country?"

"Of course!" I said giving him a smile and grabbing his hands, "my country is unified by its diversity, Jong-un. Because we are all different, we all garner a level of respect for one another." He nodded his head slowly and un-muted the TV.

"Interesting," he mumbled, "interesting..."

A week or so after having the conversation on the letting loose on Jong-un's restrictions I received a call from him saying that he introduced the idea of it all to his country and he received positive feedback and plans to carry out these actions. Since then I continued my progression to making North Korea a more lenient country. One of my biggest accomplishments was convincing him to release the detainees and end the labor camps.


"Jong-un, we need to talk," as I said that phrase in a clear and hard voice, it made me feel cliché and as though I were preparing to end things with him. His face contorted with worry and his eyes searched mine.

"What about?" His voice was soft and sounded ready to break.

"Do not worry," I assured him, "I only wish to talk of the detainees and your camps." He looked relieved and perplexed all at once.

"What about them?" He said questioningly.

"Baby," I began exasperatedly, "they're not right. They're absolutely immoral. Not to mention, it puts you in bad light."

"A bad light? What do you mean?" He sounded genuinely confused. How this man did not seem to understand that his actions were frowned upon due to its nefariousness was beyond me. And of all things to point out from my sentence! His reputation of course was what was important to him. 

"People look down on you because you run your country so brutally, Jong-un. I hate that people don't like you, but it's only because they don't know the real you." I sighed and leaned back on my bed, placing my arms behind my head. "If you stopped placing yourself in such negative light, people would be more accepting of you." I shot up from my position and moved so that I sat in front of Jong-un and grabbed his hands. "If you released all of the detainees and put an end to the labor camps, we will be able to come out so much easier!" Jong-un's dark eyes glittered with excitement and when he spoke, he was breathless.

"Come out? Together?" He nodded his head fast and smiled, "Alright. Of course. Anything for you." With that he pulled me close and apprehensively brushed his lips against mine, and when he felt me respond he deepened the kiss and moved to straddle my lap, his arms wrapping around my neck.

End of flashback


some of the more racy parts obviously wasn't in the turned in essay because I wasn't trying to scar my teacher 

but then again 

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  she might've liked it  

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