3. Refusal and Mentor

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I awoke to the consistent ringing of my phone and quickly jumped to answer it.


"Oh? So you can speak? Okay, I was just worried that maybe you could not because I can't seem to recall receiving a call around the time you should have arrived at the midget's house." Vladimir sounded beyond vexed and upset. I have made it habit to always call him after arriving somewhere because he likes to know I've arrived safely. Unfortunately with last night's confession and scheming, I was knackered.

"And I have a valid reason! Jong-un's important information he wished to share was that he liked me. I was in such a state of sho–"

"Excuse me. What?"

"Well if you'd let me finish you wouldn't have to ask "what", lippy." I let out a sigh and continued, "Now. I was in a state of shock, yada, yada, yada. Right? So I was thinking this could work in relation to me getting Kim to chill. But then I realized that no, I can't do this." The other line was quiet. If it weren't for the fact that I could hear the breathing of Vladimir on the other line I would have thought he had hung up. Finally a response was given after I cleared my throat.
"And why can you not do it?" I sighed and rubbed my freehand over my face.

"Because one, I am dating you. Two, it's mean. I'm playing his heart." A giggle chorused through the phone line.

"What heart?"

"Vladimir! This is serious."

"I know, I know." Vladimir spoke with a sigh, "I won't let him come between the relationship. If you pursue this, then I suppose I follow your footsteps," he said jokingly. I gasped loudly.

"That's it! Hold on, I need to call Barack! Love ya!" I quickly pressed end call and scrolled through my contact list till coming across Barack's contact and pressing call. It rang momentarily before a voice answered.

"Donald! Hey, what can I help you with?" Relief flooded through me at the sound of his open and welcoming voice.

"Barack, I need your guidance, please," I attempted at not sounding desperate.

"Of course! What seems to be the problem?" Barack's inquiring voice sounded. I briefed through my internal conflicts on the situation at hand and explained both my pros and cons, saying how I was afraid to lose not only my life, but my relationship with Vladimir, and my presidency and country sat on the line as well, until I had finished. "Donald, I have one main word of advice for you. Do what you think will benefit the nations and yourself. And if you have the confidence that this can work out, then do it. You are only as strong as you allow yourself to be." I knew what I had to do. 


Do you think Putin would be more dominate in the relationship or Trump?
Because I've thought about it and I feel like it'd be Putin tbh

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