4. Crossing the Threshold

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The clinking of silverware on dishes could be heard throughout the quiet room. I knew I should speak up and make my declaration on my decision, but I felt nervous. I was afraid that he would see through my words and know my true plans. I cleared my throat and looked straight at Jong-un.

"Jong-un, I'd like to inform you on my decision regarding your confession." Jong-un's body shifted with anticipation and apprehension.

"Please," his voice shook slightly, "I will be respectful to whatever decision you make." I nodded slowly and took a deep breath, thinking that the man might've been lying but continued anyway.

"Jong-un, I would like to pursue a relationship with you, yes," I could see his face brighten quickly, a smiling gracing his plump lips, "but under one condition." As fast as his face lit up, it clouded with confusion.

"What is it, Hyung?" Worry dripped off his words as they were said.

"Putin stays; meaning we participate in a polyamorous relationship." Jong-un's face was plastered with a mixture of shock and confusion. "A polyamorous relationship is essentially an open relationship. It's all consensual. I will not expect you to be in a relationship with Vladimir, nor will I expect him with you, but you will need to both get along well." We sat in silence for a few passing moments and I felt uneasy. What if he decided that this was too much? I couldn't just leave Vladimir, or be unfaithful behind his back. But I could not allow this opportunity to pass either.

"I see..." Jong-un's voice trailed off. He stared at his hands for a bit before speaking up. "I agree to your terms," his voice sounded confident throughout the vast dining area, "perhaps after a while you will see that I am the better choice." I let out a small laugh to disguise the fear that slowly crept up my spine at the surety in his voice. Standing up from his place at the table Jong-un made his way towards me and I shifted my body towards him so that I faced his approaching form. Once he was standing in front of me I quickly blurted out the next part of my plan.

"Can we go on a little vacation? Just the three of us?" I said it so quickly that I worried that maybe he wouldn't understand me, but instead he smiled lightly and leaned in close, his plump lips brushing my cheek on their way to my ear. His warm breath sent silent shivers down my spine.

"Anything for you."

The private plane that we were all enclosed in felt like the oxygen had been cut off and we were all slowly suffocating. The tension was so thick that I could slice it up and serve it to each passenger on the flight. I could see Jong-un and Vladimir glare daggers at one another the entire time. Finally, I had enough of the stifling silence and spoke up.

"Well, boys-"

"I'm a grown man. The only boy here is Kim." Vladimir all but spat. I let out a nervous chuckle as I noticed Jong-un's face flame in anger.

"Alright guys," I said looking at each of their faces sternly, "You both need to stop this childish behavior. I just want us to have a good time." The men grumbled their acceptances. "Now," I began excitedly, "who's excited for our trip to Jeju Island?" I watched the unamused faces in front of me instantly lighten up.

"You will love it, Oppa! I made sure my house there was setup for us," Jong-un said proudly. I smiled and checked my watch.

"Our flight should be landing soon." Just as I finished my sentence a flight attendant voiced over the speakers and spoke.

"As of now, please be buckled into your seats. We will be starting our descent." We all moved into our seats and buckled in, awaiting the landing that could not come soon enough. Once we landed we made our way to the awaiting SUV for us, the same housemaid who had greeted me when I first arrived began to grab our bags and place them on a baggage cart along with a flight attendant. After the SUV was successfully packed and we were settled, the vehicle made its way to Jong-un's property on the coast.

Upon arriving to the elegantly designed house, we all made our way out of the SUV, the early morning sun making itself aware to the world. We each took our small traveling bags, as we had planned to not stay long, to our separate rooms and met in the main living area. Vladimir clasped his hands together, drawing all attention to him.

"I can make us an early breakfast, yeah?" I saw that he was trying hard to maintain a pleasant facade as he ventured off to the kitchen to begin cooking.. He wanted this to work just as bad as I did. The first step is to make him comfortable within Vladimir's presence and even more relaxed in mine. I formed my lips into a large smile and made my way to Jong-un, grabbing his hand.

"Let's go explore until it's time to eat." 


i cringe at this more than you do 

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