7. The Ordeal & Reward

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I was reading over important papers and sipping on a cup of hot tea, a task I had adopted from spending so much time with my lovers overseas, when my personal cellphone rang loudly, startling me. I made quick to grab it so that its vexing ringing would stop, as I could already feel a raging headache forcefully protrude its way to the front of my head. 

I threw a hurried look at the caller and saw that it was Vladimir. Pressing the green 'accept' button, I answered expecting the voice of my love to greet me, but was taken back when a thick, deep Russian voice spoke instead of the smooth and firm voice that I was normally greeted with.

"Is this Mr. Donald Trump?" The voice was stern and straight to the point, not leaving a single doubt in my mind that what was coming next was not good information. This is Vladimir's strictly personal phone; no one else should have use to this phone unless...

"What has happened? Is he okay?" Anguish tore at my heart and I felt everything drop but my heart; my heart was in my throat beating erratically. I felt sick.

"Mr. Putin been missing for over a day. He normally lets someone know when he leaves and takes the essentials with him. His phone, a bodyguard, and his wallet, the usual. But this time it seems as though he just up and left." I suddenly felt anger course through me.

"What do you mean missing?" I was seething, "You were all strictly told to not let that man out of your sight. You had one job. One job!"

"Sir, I am sorry-"

"'Sorry' isn't going to fix the fact that you all lost a 64 year old man!" I got up from my desk and began walking out of the presidential office. "I'll be there when I get there. Be expecting me," and with that I hung up.

After an exhausting flight, I finally made my way to the residence where I first became romantically involved with Vladimir and rushed inside with a spare key that was given to me. Observing the house's inside made me feel longing for the man I had become so very close with, and fell in love with. A man approached me looking grim.

"Sir," upon hearing the voice, I quickly recognized it as the man who informed me of Vladimir's disappearance. "If you follow me I can update you on the information present." I let out a sigh and nodded.

"Of course." With that we walked to a sitting room and seated ourselves across from one another. The unidentified man brought out a phone, Vladimir's it looked to be, and slid it towards me after opening it up to a particular screen.

"Mr. Kim was the last to talk to Mr. Putin before he disappeared as you can see. We need you to intervene and see what he knows." Of course. Things begin to fit together like puzzle pieces; at one point it seemed as though none of them fit and there wasn't a connection, but now that I come back to it I can see it all so clearly.

"I am going to go to Jong-un's home. I'll call back on Vladimir's phone to update you on my newly obtained information should I receive any. You be sure to do the same." And with that I was in the air again, flying to North Korea to see if I could gather any intel from Jong-un. When I arrived he wasn't there. Hyun-ah told me that he was at the government's building in the city, but that she would be happy to escort me there. 

So after another journey, albeit this one was shorter than the previous ones I had to take to get here. The building was crawling with officers but once they saw Hyun-ah and me it was as though they rolled out a red carpet and we were the famous stars of the new, hottest film. Multiple officers crowded around us and formed almost a barrier around us. We made our way into the building only one of the guards sticking around until Hyun-ah dismissed him.

"There's a room in the back where I know Mr. Kim has been spending a lot of time in when he's here," she began, "if he's going to be anywhere, it'll be there." After trekking through the building we came across a door where printed on it said "Hajima." I snorted at the expression on the door. "Don't". I gave a bow to Hyun-ah and smiled.

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