Just....Why dream? Why?

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So I had a dream where my aunt died and then she was in a coffin and stuff and then me and my two aunts (one is older than me by a year and one is younger than me by a year crazy huh?) were doing whatever and then the one that was older than me by a year was like "I can bring dead things back to life" and me and the younger one was like "Kewl" and then so she opened the coffin and then brought my aunt back to life tho it was just her skeleton and then she was trying to eat us so we ran and hid somewhere and then the older one had ran and then the younger one beat the crap out of our aunt and then she was then doing this weird thing that I forgot what it was called and then we went out of the house to run from my aunt (who is also the two's older sister) and then my dream ended there, xDDD But that's what I get for watching AOT at night and having a strange dream like that XDDD

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