Chapter Two

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Narrators P.O.V

Gemma and Anne had never left Harry's side. For the past two days, they had been with him. Every day and every night. Doctors were still doubting Harry would wake up. But Gemma and Anne never gave up on Harry. They held onto hope. He had to wake up. And he had to explain why in the world he would try to attempt suicide.

Despite everything, Harry could feel himself wake up more. He could hear people around him talk to him and he could feel his mom holding his hand. He could feel her tears fall on his flesh and he could hear her begging not to give up.

Harry was internally screaming, shouting he was there with them, but no one could hear him... Harry had been trying to even give a glimpse of life, but not yet with success.

"Mum! Mum! It's Harry. Harry is moving his finger" Gemma jumped up from her chair and rushed over to Harry. Relief washed through Harry's body when he felt Gemma take his hand. Anne rushed beside him as well and took his other hand. "Baby, if you can hear me please squeeze my hand"

With all his powers, Harry tried to squeeze his fingers together to give his mom a sign. Everything was still black, dark and empty, but he was now able to communicate.

"Get the doctors", Anne said, causing Gemma to rush away. "Harry, I know you're there. Everything will be fine, I promise. Just try to come back to us"

The sweet words of his mom did help. Harry realised he wanted to come back. He'd missed seeing the smile on his mom's face. And the blue in Gemma's eyes. More strength floated through his body, making it easier to move his fingers. He could even lightly wiggle his toes.

A doctor came running in with Gemma. "Mr Styles, if you can hear me please squeeze my hand," the doctor told Harry. Harry squeezed his fingers. The doctor was amazed but shocked. They all thought he wouldn't make it.

The doctor talked him through and after about half an hour later, Harry could lightly open his eyes. At first everything was too bright for him. But after a moment, he could examine the room he was in.

"G-Gemma?" Harry asked as his eyes were still a bit closed. He knew she had been there the entire time, but he hadn't seen her in months.

"Yes, Harry. Yes, I'm here" She squeezed his hands softly making sure to him that she was really there. Harry relaxed and breathed in deeply. For a minute, he was upset because Gemma never came home. Not even on her breaks. But at the same time Harry was very happy because she was here now. Beside him.


It had been two days since Harry had woken up. After some more rest, tablets and injections, Harry could finally go home. It was bit hard for him to walk at first because he had been in bed for about a week, but with a little help he could soon properly walk.

"Please sign this Sir", Harry took the discharge papers. After signing them, he shook the doctor's hand and walked outside. The sunlight did him good.

"Done?" Anne asked once Harry had gotten into the car.

"Yup," he said, avoiding his mom's stare. Gemma had already gone home, so it was now just the two of them.



Anne sighed. "I don't want you hiding things from me. I'm your mother and you mean everything to me. The other day in the bathroom wasn't some accident! I know you were trying to commit suicide. But I need to understand why", Anne looked at Harry but then back on the road. "Harry, you have no idea how worried I was. What you did to Gem and me, how bad we felt. But that only makes me question how devastated you must have been to decide to kill yourself."

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