Chapter Five

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Harry's POV

The sharp sound of my alarm clock awakened me from my slumber. I groaned in annoyance. I was just having a nice dream... I turned in my bed a little more, hoping to fall asleep again so I can go back to the dream. I didn't want to go to school. Urg. Stupid school, stupid students.

Then I suddenly remembered something. School wasn't stupid at all! I actually have friends now!

I pushed the warm sheets aside and jumped out of bed. After my morning routine, I walked downstairs and grabbed myself some breakfast.

Last night was fun. Niall had stayed quite a while. We'd played some video games and watched fail videos on YouTube. After that Niall went home and we agreed to wait for each other at my locker before going to class today. I'm not very sure what classes I have today, but Niall will guide me. Or that's what I hope...

Mom was, as always, already downstairs. She sat next to me and we ate together. Mom and I talked a bit about Niall. My mom really likes him! But well.. Who wouldn't like him? After a while I glanced at the clock.

"Shit, I need to hurry up" I hitched before I stuffed my left over pieces of breakfast in my mouth.

Mom ruffled her hands through my hair before I got up and rushed over to the front door. She followed me while laughing lightly to herself.

"Have a good day, darling. And say 'hi' to Niall for me" I nod and quickly pecked her on the cheek. I grabbed my bag and took off.


Narrators POV

The streets were pretty cold, but the breeze felt kind of nice. It seemed like more children were making their way to school, since it was only an eight to ten minute walk. Some walked in little groups while laughing and chatting. Others were just on their own listening music or whatever.

Harry fumbled a bit with his phone and earplugs since he wanted to listen music as well. Without looking, and still fighting with the freaking device, he crossed the road. Suddenly the sound of a car got louder and in the corner of his eyes he saw the vehicle coming closer.

Harry abruptly turned his head in the direction of the sound. The car was speeding down the road, ready to hit him, but Harry didn't move. He couldn't run. He just stared at the car as he watched it come closer and closer.

Harry covered his head with his arms and squeezed his eyes closed. The sound got scarily loud, but then suddenly, it stopped.

The driver in the car pushed his brakes with all the power he had. The sight of the boy in front of him was growing bigger. The man squeezed his eyes shut. Visions of hitting the boy in front of him flashed by. But then his car come to a stop, causing horrible sounds to echo around the streets. Harry slowly dropped his arms, revealing his scared face.

Harry was met with the sight of a car that had stopped nothing more than two inches away from him. He was ready to yell at the person inside of the car, because that person was driving way to fast near a crosswalk, but soon he swallowed his words as he looked straight in the eyes of his startled neighbour. Louis.

Louis quickly opened the door and rushed over to Harry. "I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there.. Are you okay?"

Harry's lips parted to speak, but he had trouble finding the right words. He got lost in all the blue in the eyes of the man he had been dreaming about in front of him. "Erm.." he started as he looked down at his feet. Heat rose up to his cheeks. "I'm fine" he muttered.

"Good. Again, I'm sorry. I was just in a hurry" Louis said, laughing uncomfortably. "You're Harry, right?"

Harry mentally jumped up and down and he almost drooled over the fact that Louis said his name. It sounded so perfect coming from his lips.

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