Chapter Twelve

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"Good afternoon" the doctor spoke up. I watched how Anne got up and walked towards the man to shake his hand. "I'm Doctor McCartney. I assume you're Harry's mom?"

Anne nod her head. "Yes, Anne Cox" She looked at him with big eyes, waiting for him to tell her about Harry's condition.mOnly he didn't say a word about him and turned around to face me instead.

"And you are..?" He asked as he held out his hand for me to shake as well.

"Louis" I told him. "Euh.. Tomlinson"

"Ah! The boyfriend" he said, smiling, before he let go of my hand. My eyes widened and I spun my head around to Anne. Oh God please, I hope she didn't hear. My mind was racing as Anne looked at me in confusion and light surprise. The doctor watched me curiously and waited for me to confirm his statement.

"I.. Euhmm-"

"Boyfriend?" Anne suddenly spoke up, her voice mixed with a slight laughter. "Where'd you get that from?" she asked, her voice raising. Though she was sounding more amusement than mad. A big smirk spread on her face as she looked at me and then back at the doctor. "If you by boyfriend you mean teacher, lovely neighbor and a great friend, you're right. But I can assure you that this lad is not my son's boyfriend."

"Well, my colleague nurse told me that Mr. Tomlinson here explained himself as boyfr-"

"Doc, could you please just tell us how Harry is doing?" I cut in, panic running through my veins. And to my relieve my change of subject made Anne immediately drop the boyfriend thing and she now only cared for the doctor to tell her about her son's condition.

"Alright..." doctor McCartney began, looking at me suspiciously, but then he turned towards Anne. "He's finally stable now, but he's not doing good, ma'am."

My heart was aching at the words. Anne's eyes filled with tears and so did mine. My mouth went dry and a lump appeared in my throat. The doctor kept on explaining and telling Anne about all the terrifying things that could happen to her son. It was total horror and I couldn't listen to it anymore. I turned around and very slowly made my way to Harry on the bed. Looking at him this up close -seeing the scratches, his swollen eyes, bloody nose, bruised torso... It made me want to throw up. Big sobs escaped my mouth and my breath got stuck in my throat. I knelt down and grabbed his hand. "Oh Harry" I whispered, making sure Anne couldn't hear. As I stroked my fingers over his scraped knuckles of his pale hand, I tried to keep it all together. If Anne and doctor McCartney only saw me as a teacher and a neighbor, then it wouldn't be logical for me to actually be crying right now.

Though if you look at the truth, it is very logical for me to cry. The fear of losing the love of my life, the sight of the love of my life unconscious and all beaten up, the medical words from the doctor telling how he could die -I have plenty of reasons to cry my eyeballs out.

Harry did not move an inch. I stared at his exposed torso, rising up and falling down. The sight of him breathing was the only thing that calmed me a bit.

"Louis?" Anne tapped on my shoulder, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Y-yes?" I questioned, quickly wiping away the tears that had already fallen.

"C-can we talk?" My heart skipped a beat. I was scared. Actually I was terrified.

"Sure" I said quietly and not very much later we were walking into the cafeteria. We bought a coffee each and took a seat at one of the available tables.

"Boyfriend?" She began.

Shit, I guess she didn't forget about it.

"Uhh...- I...." I felt my mouth beginning to dry again even though I was sipping my coffee. The room started to spin around a little. The lump in my throat grew bigger again and my hands started to shake. "I had to say it" I said. It was the first thing that came to my mind. Shit, I hate lying! My mind was racing. How was I going to get myself out of this? "I said it because otherwise the doctors wouldn't let me see him. I'm his teacher. I see him almost every day at school you know? It's not that crazy that I'm concerned about him."

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