you'll be fine

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I rub both of my eyes to clear up my foggy vision. The first thing I notice was the sky outside, it was dark meaning I woke up in the middle of the night. The only thing brightening up the room was the night lamp and I also notice her on my other side, sleeping very peacefully with her hand resting on my chest as her soft snores gives me chills on my neck. I carefully remove her hand, trying my best to move quietly so that I don't wake her up. I get out from bed and walk going to the bathroom. I decided to have a warm shower, it always helped me feel calm and sleepy again whenever I would always wake up at night. 

It didn't take five minutes and I was already done in the shower. I dry myself up with a body towel hanging on the back of the door, then I put back on my sleeping clothes. When I walk out of the bathroom feeling fresh and ready to go back to sleep, I hear my name being called. 

"Shawn?" I glance over to my wife who was half awake, she squints at me as she furrows her brows together. "Are you okay?" she brings her hand to her mouth, letting out a couple of dry coughs. I immediately walk closer to her check on her situation, the bright yellow light from the lamp did its job to show the condition of her face. The bags under her eyes were dark, and her face was so pale. I place the back of my hand on her forehead, and on her neck to feel her temperature. My heart beat quickens as I felt her, she was as hot like an oven. 

"Sweet, you're not okay. You have fever." I tell her. I adjust the pillows on her head, making it a bit higher so that she could lean on it on the headboard. I lay a blanket on top of her to make her feel warm. I swipe the hair blocking her face, tucking it behind her ear. "Babe, tell me what do you feel?" 

"I feel dehydrated," her sentences came out as a whisper, as I can feel her weakness. 

"Hold on, let me get you something to drink. Let me take care of you, okay?" I said. I head going to the kitchen to grab everything that I needed. A glass of water, an ice pack, and also the medicines for her cough and her fever. I go back to our bedroom, placing the things down on the side desk. My eyes caught that she wasn't in bed anymore, the sounds of throwing up has made me run going to the bathroom. I found her kneeling down with almost her head inside the toilet bowl. I stood there beside her as I held her hair back and rubbed her back in an up and down motion. 

"I'm sorry I feel sick, I don't know why. . ." I close the lid and flush the toilet after. I let her hold on to me, I tighten my grip around her waist as support while we walk back to bed. "It's okay. . .I'll be fine." she coughs. 

She goes back to bed with the same position before, she sits down as she sips on the glass of water I gave her. "Drink this before you go to sleep," I hand her a tablet, and watch her take it with water. "get some rest now." I remind her.

"You need to rest too, Bub." She says. Even though she was ill, she still manage to be sweet. I didn't help but smile, which also reflected on her. I sigh, feeling bad because of her condition right now. I lean in, and leave a kiss on her forehead as a good night kiss. 

"Don't worry about me, okay? I'm worried about you, you're the one who is sick, and you need to get well. Everything will be alright, you'll be fine, as long as you got me here beside you."

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