i love you so bad

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"Hey!" Shawn greeted on the other line.

"Yo," I said. "What's up?"

"Let's go out tonight?" He offers, surprisingly he sounded excited. "I'll pick you up at five. And wear something casual, okay?" I was about to ask him where, but he ended the call immediately.

I roll my eyes playfully as I got out of bed, and straight to my closet to grab some clothes that I was going to wear tonight. I walk towards my mirror, applying some light makeup – mascara, lip tint, lip gloss. I heard Shawn's car outside. I look at my reflection once again and head out to my room.

As I walk out of my front door, I saw Shawn standing outside of his car. He was leaning back and his hands on his pockets. He slowly lift up his face when he heard my door shut. My heart skipped a beat, I didn't help but smile on how good-looking he is. He was just wearing a simple, black, long-sleeved shirt with some black pants, and damn how hot he is when wearing black.

"Look at my girl, as beautiful as always." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist as he gives me a peck on my cheek. I always love it when he calls me 'my girl'. He opens the door for me, and I hop inside of the car.

"Looking good as ever, Mendes." I give him a playful wink before he starts to drive, making him giggle.

"Psh, just a small thing." He shrugs, confidently saying it. My eyes widen on what he said, making me hit his arm.

"Wow!" I burst out of laughter, making him laugh too. "I can't believe my boyfriend is hot." I said sarcastically.

He shots me a sexy wink, making me smack his arm again. "You're disgusting, stop it."

"Please tell me we're having a picnic by the beach," I pout at him, even though his eyes were on the road.

He glances at me, and releases a giggle. "Of course we are, but not in the beach."

"Where are we going?" I didn't even know where he was going, the highways that we were passing by were unfamilar to me.

"Just wait and see." Shawn said, a smirk escaping on his lips. I sighed annoyingly, making me lean back from my seat. I fix my gaze over to the window, the sky was almost dark meaning it was evening. I can see all of the night lights coming from the tall buildings outside.

Shawn and I were going to have a picnic, it wasn't new to me anymore because we would always do that since we were bestfriends. Most of the time, Shawn keeps the location as a secret and making it as a surprise for me. It was around six o' clock in the evening now, we usually do it at day but we changed things a bit.

Shawn pulls up the car on the side of the road, and turns off the engine. We both went out off the car, holding the basket where we put our foods. The night was calm and peaceful, there were no cars passing by. The wind makes the night even cold as it touches my skin, good thing I was wearing something comfortable.

We walk closer to the steep, where all you can see is the city below you. My jaw drop in amaze as I admire the breathtaking view in front of me. I hear Shawn calling out my name, making me shift my body to face him. He was sitting down on the cloth as it lays flat on the grass, the lights hanging on the tree brings brightness to this wonderful place.

"Aww, this is so nice." I walk closer to him and sat down. I didn't help but smile by his little surprises.

He adjusts his position, making himself comfortable on where he was sitting. We were close to each other, I tangle my arms around his as he rest his hand on to my knee. I felt him his thumb rubbing it softly, he knew that I love it. I rest my head on to his shoulder, "Do you like it?" He asks, as he rests his head on top of mine aswell.

"I love it," I said, my attention was focused on the view.

"What a breathtaking view," He said. "I wish this never ends." I felt his eyes on me, making me face him. Our faces were so close to each other, we can just kiss anytime.

I admire the features on his face, trailing down to his lips that made me want to kiss it. When I look up to his eyes, they were signaling me that I should kiss him.

There was a pause between us. Then slowly, I pull closer to him making me realize that our lips were attach to each other already. I close my eyes as I enjoy every moment. When we release into our kiss, I quickly look into his gaze. We both smiled at each other happily.

"I'm so lucky to call you mine," He said. "I can't even imagine myself without you by my side."

I felt my cheeks heating up, and the butterflies in my stomach. I give him a sweet smile and said, "Well you're a very lucky boy," Snaking my arms around his neck as I pull him into me to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you so bad." He mumbled to my ear.

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