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"Hey, mom?" I heard my daughter's voice echoing from upstairs as it comes near to the dining room. I stop for awhile on what I was typing on my laptop to look at her. She took a deep breath before she could open her mouth to speak, "Can I. . . go to Sophie's house?" 

My brows furrowing as my head tilted a bit, "Hmm. . . and why are you going there?" I ask her. 

"She's throwing a party," She said nervously. "Can I? It's tomorrow night." 

"Why don't you just hang out? Or bring her here at our house?" The tone of my voice seem to change.

"But mom, she's leaving tomorrow. . .she's going to Australia, and it'll be a long time when I see her again." I face her, my mood changing a bit making me irritated more. Her eyes were begging. "It's just one–"

"Hannah," I raise my voice a bit. "I don't trust the people there, what if you get in trouble? You don't know the people there." I stood up from my seat, our topic getting a little bit of heat now. I was just concern about her, what if something might happen to her? It'll be my fault.

"Mom, I'm going to be careful. C'mon, it's just for a night. Please." I can feel her temper rising, just by telling from tone of her voice.

"No, you are not going to that party. End of arguement." I said.

"I'm a teenager now, I can do what I want to do with my life! Why do you always stop me from doing the things that make me happy?" I felt a needle poking my heart, her words hit me so hard. My eyes pointed out that I was really hurt, but I didn't make it obvious. 

"Don't you dare talk to me like that! I am your mother!" She shook her head, I watch her eyes as they start to tear up. She run quickly upstairs to her room, hearing a loud bang as she closed her door. 

I sat back in my seat and cried, running my hands through my hair in frustration. She didn't even consider my feelings, I was just worried about her and I didn't want to make things like this a big problem. I am not trying be the bad guy here, but to her I am. 

I hear the front door opening slowly, revealing Shawn standing there. The sniffle and the sobbing coming from me made him divert his attention to my direction. 

"Hun, what happened?" His brows furrowing as he walked going closer to me. I stood up when he pulled me in for a hug, wrapping my arms around his torso as my head rest on his shoulder. I felt his hand rubbing my back and a warm kiss on top of my head for comfort. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"She's mad at me again," I mewl. "I didn't let her go to her friend's party. . . I-I was just scared, something might happen to her." Shawn lift up my face, making me look up to him. I fix our gaze, as he wiped away the tears that kept on rolling down to my cheeks. 

"I'm sorry. . .I feel like a bad mother to our daughter, Shawn." Tears started bursting out again, as much as I wanted to control them but they kept on falling. 

"No, hun. Don't say that, I'm lucky that you are my wife and the mother of our daughter," He said. "I know that you were just concern about her, but maybe if you let her experience on what it's like to be a teenager. She's a big girl now, and I know she's already responsible enough to handle herself." I watch the corners of his lips curling as it forms into a smile. 

I nodded, and gave him back a smile. "Let's talk to her."

Shawn and I went upstairs to Hannah's room. When we stood in front of her door, I took a deep breath and knock on her door gently. "Hannah, sweetie?" I spoke softly by the door, waiting if she'll open it. 

"Leave me alone. . ." 

"Hannah, please. Just talk to us." Shawn said.

I hear the doorknob unlocking, we made our way inside our daughter's room and sat on her bed.

When we were all settled, Shawn spoke. "So where were you suppose to go, Hannah?" He said in his calm voice.

"Sophie is throwing a party at her house tomorrow night, because she's going to Australia and it'll be a long time when I see her again." She said, not making an eye-contact with me.

I shoot Shawn a look, giving me a nod for approval. "You can go, sweetie." I said to her.

She looks to me in shock, her lips almost forming into a smile. "Really?"

I nodded, I reach for both of her hands and locking it with mine. "Just promise us that you'll take care of yourself there, okay? We trust you."

"Thank you Mom and Dad." I can see the happiness on her eyes now. She pulls us for a family hug.

"Take care of yourself, alright? Be careful to who you talk to. And make sure to be home before midnight." Shawn said.

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