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Sams POV
I might actually have a heart attack. I mean he's just so god dam hot. "S-so what's the video about?" I asked nervously as Colby set up his camera and sat next to me. "Well I was thinking why could react to our first videos." He took out his laptop and set it on his lap. "Ok this is gonna be one cringeworthy video." I laughed.

Once we had stoped filming we heard laughing from outside followed by, "No! Corey don't!" Being curious I got up and looked out the window to see Corey trying to push Devyn in to the pool. I turn to Colby and smirked hmmm. I just got the. Best. idea ever. "Hey Colby want to go out to the pool? Stick our feet in? It's kinda hot out." I ask as he looked up from his computer and thought a bit before nodding his head. Once we got outside I swooped up Colby in my arms before throwing him in the pool. "Sam what the heck!? What was that for?!" He started towards the stairs of the pool as I laughed. "I thought you would look hotter wet!" I giggled. "Omg!!! So cute!" I looked over to my left to see Corey and Devyn looking at me. "Um....what?" I asked in complete confusion. "You and Colby!!" Devyn has the biggest smile on her face as she clapped her hands . "I-I umm." My face became hot I looked over to Colby his shirt was completely see through now. I could see his abs and biceps clearly. He looked really hot. To be honest I was sorta, no not sorta, I was really turned on. Before anything embarrassing happened (If you get my drift) I rushed back into the house and raced towards the bathroom.

Colby's POV
I was soaked with water as I raced after Sam. He randomly just bolted to what I could see was the bathroom. I walked over to the bathroom door. " Sam are you ok?" I knocked and got a little 'mhm' in response. "Yay sure?" I asked once again to which I heard some footsteps and the rattle of the nob. He opened the door and his face was a bit too close our noses touched. Oh how I want to kiss him. My face burned and so did Sams, I started leaning in but only to have the moment ruined by the ding of my phone. I checked and it was a text from. Him. Jason
I felt a weird sensation in my stomach as if it had dropped when seeing his name. I was hesitant to open it but decided to anyway.

Jason- Nice to know you still live in town.
Baby why'd you leave me? I want you back home soon.
I love you.

I just stood there looking at Sam, I let my phone drop Sam gave me a concerned look. I couldn't move. Sam hugged me and I flinched at his touch. The hug brought back brought back hurtful memories. A single tear rolled down my cheek. I had learned not to cry when he touched me because it only got worse for me. "Colby? What's wrong?" He asked bringing his hand to my cheek. I opened my mouth to speak nothing could come out so I just stood there, Sam hugging me, phone on the floor. I've only talked to Corey and Devyn about this problem and then I could barely say anything, I hated to even think about it.

I was now sat on the couch with Sam still slightly rattled with my head leaning on Sams shoulder. As I started to drifted of my phone began to ring, I looked at caller Id. My little sister. I walked out of the living room and to the kitchen. "little sis how's it going?" I asked. "Yeah well I'm in town and was wondering if you wanted to hang out? Maybe get some dinner?" Hmm in town. "Yeah sure but I've moved so I'll text you the address." I answered. "Oh that would be wonderful ok well I got to stop by my boyfriends house really quick then I'll be there. Oh got to go I'm there bye see you soon C ." She hung up just then Elton came running out of the garage and past me right into the hallway. I thought nothing of it but peered our into the hall. Then a faint knock and he opened the door.

When did I say I would leave (Solby)-editing- -slow updates-Where stories live. Discover now