Chapter 3

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SongsFor this chapter 

Only Fooling Myself -Kate Voegele

When i opened my eyes from sleeping i think the whole way well i can sleep through anything.I looked up and saw i had been resting on Nathan's Shoulder i lifted my head off him and just looked at him he looked so peaceful it seemed mean having to wake him.

Jay:We have landed Carly wake Nath up for us

Jay said while walking past us

Me: Sure ok

This is going to take a while

Me: Nath Nath We have to get off the plane

I nudged him slightly

Only Fooling Myself -Kate Voegele

Me:Nath Wake up

I decided for extreme measures


I shouted in his ear

Nath opens his eyes

Nath :Thanks Carly I now think im deaf

Me: No problem but i think you overeacting a little bit .Now we have to get off the plane (While pushing him off)

Nath: What about are luggage

Me:The others took it so i could wake you up now your up

Nath:And now we are off the plane

Me:Exactly La we are here

I laugh and he rolled his eyes

Nath :(while walking) remind me why i am best friends with you again

Me:Because i am amazing person and im hilarious and a round about great person look at all the people to see you guys im going to find kev and them Have fun

I smiled and hugged him and walked out of the airport to the car and stood next to jayne

Jayne:So are you ever going to say anything

Me:Nope it would probably ruin everything and i cant lose nath

Jayne:I understand but what if he feels the same way and you might just regret it for the rest of your life

Me: Yeah that could happen but if i do say something he could get freaked and run away either way i could lose him

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