Chapter 21

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Me: What are all of you doing here

Tom: Nice to see you to

I roll my eyes

Me: Not that its not great but you lads are in the middle of a tour and jackson you have a job

Jackson:We were worried about you

Me: There is no need to be worried about me im fine

I put on a smile the best i could to make it believable

But nathan could see right through it

Max: Well the tour is on a break we were coming back to the UK anyway so we might as well come and see if you are ok because

Tom:You just left like you did it must of been important enough for you to leave without saying anything

Me: Im Fine guys you can go now you have seen me standing and nothing is wrong with me you can go

Nathan:Were not going anywhere Carly and you know how stubborn we all are

Me: Well you know how stubborn i am and im not going to budge on the whole im fine thing

And with that i walk upstairs and sit on my bed with tears threatening to fall but i hold them back when i hear my door opening

Me: Go away Nathan

Nathan just walks in and stands infront of the door after closing it

Nath: Nope im not going anywhere until you tell me what has happened

Me: Well your going to be here  a long time

Nath: Fine with me i have a 2 week break i can just sit here

I laugh and wipe a tear away that had escaped and as i did that my sleeve slipped so you could my scars

Nathan: What is that carly

Me: My arm

Nathan: Carly When did you start again

I stood up and started to walk out the door but nathan grabbed my arm i flinched but he loosened his grip but kept on holding on to it

Me: Let me go Nathan

Nathan: No not until you tell me firstly why you started again and secondly when

Me: My mum is Dead Nathan ok thats why and when about 2 weeks ago as soon as i got back to the UK happy now

I got out his grip and ran out the door

Nathan: Carly

He starts to run after her i just run out the house

Tom: Let her go man she just needs to breathe

Nathan: No ok she shouldn't be alone ok not after what has happened

Tom:What do you mean

Nathan: Her Mum died ok Tom thats what and thats why im going after her

He just runs out the house and starts to chase after me i can hear him coming

Nathan:Carly come back

I turn around and face him


Nathan: Carly look at me ok you do not have to be alone through this ok just admitt you are not okay because if you keep on lying to yourself and keep on pushing people away you will end up being alone.

Me: I just dont want to deal with it ok because when i start dealing with it it makes it real i dont want it to be real ok My mum is dead Nathan

Nathan: I know ok i know and im going to be here for you weather you like it or not

I just walk closer to him so i am looking directly into his eyes and he looks into mine and moves a piece of hair from my eyes i just kept on looking at him wanting to kiss him but knowing that if i do its Over between me and jackson.

I just step back

Me: Lets go back into the house ok im ready to face everyone

I Looked at him and he was just standing there looking disappointed and i just turn back round to continue walking back to the house when all of a sudden a felt another tug on my arm and the next thing i knew was my lips being place onto Nathans but i didnt pull away i just kissed him back with as much force and passion as he was giving in the kiss.

After a couple of seconds we eventually pulled away and i just rested my forehead onto his and we just stood like that for a while when all of a sudden

Jackson:You two ok because we are going to eat chole has made some food

Me: Yeah we will be there in a second

Jackson just smiles slightly and walks in

Me: Can we talk about what just happened there Nathan

Nathan: Yeah later ok im starved

he kisses me on the forehead  and walks inside

I just sigh and follow

Me: Chloe what you going to posion us with today

Chloe: Ha Ha Very Funny if you dont want to eat thats fine

Me: No i do i just dont want a replay of what happened last November after Katie's Party

Chloe: I dont know how that happened i cooked everything fine

Me: Course ya did but luckily this is just sandwiches

Chloe just rolls her eyes and passes me a plate

Me: Cheers

I just look over to Nathan who is laughing at something max said and i just smile at him when Jackson walks over and kisses me on the head

Me: Hey


He just sits down

Me: You okay

Jackson:Actually No we need to talk

Me:What about

Jackson:Not here

He gets up and starts walking upstairs and walk into my room

Me: So what you want to talk about

Jackson:Nathan and You

Me: There is no Nathan and Me

Jackson:Stop Lying Carly ok i know i see it im not blind i see the way you look  at him and the way he looks at you i just wish you would look at me like that

Me: Like what

Jackson:The im inlove with him look the look that tells me you could never be with anyone else because it him you want to be with

I just look down not knowing what to say

Jackson: So just tell me did you ever love me more then him or could you ever love me that much

I just stay silent

Jackson: Thats what i thought i was just hoping you would answer me

Me: Im sorry ok its just its Nathan

Jackson:I know

He kisses me lightly on the lips and walks out i just run my fingers through my hair and sigh guess the decison has already been made.

I end up just sitting on my bed and looking through old photos that i had in a box and i come up with a great idea starting tomorrow these photos will come to use.

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