Chapter 16

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2 Months Later

2 Months and i still havnt talked to Nathan Even though i still see him everyday and i still will see him for the next 3 months i just cant face talking to him not now it will only end up in an argument and i just hate fighting with him so not talking means no argument and that is fine with me.

Chloe:Carly We Have Arrived

I looked out the window and she was right we have arrived in vegas the boys are doing a concert and having interviews and most likely going to get wasted here so god knows how long we will be here for.Michelle Nareesha  had left about 3 weeks ago since they had work so its just me chloe and sophie oh and of course the lads.

Me: So Whats the agenda for today

I said while pulling out the bag i had packed for the hotel out

Jay: Well Interviews shows and getting drinks oh and you finally talking to Nath

Me: Not funny

Jay:Who says i was being Funny you know your going to have to eventually talk to him and maybe even forgive him

Me: No i dont and the only reason im still here is because i would miss Chloe and Sophie Too Much

Jay:Your Going To Regret It you know not talking to him and turning your back on him its been 2 months Carly

Me: So whats that got to do with anything

Jay:Oh i dont know you guys have been friends for over 10 years and you both start going out with other people then boom friendship over

Me: Pretty Much Yeah

I just said and walked into the Hotel

Me: Jayne i was wondering Could i bunk With Max or Seev again

Max:Nope sorry Carly me and seev have things to discuss

Me: So that means i have to bunk with


I turn around and looked at him

Jayne: It just seems right since neither of you can drink in America Yet and well the lads will be doing that alot while here

Me: Well Neither Can Chloe and Sophie

Jayne: But they are already bunking with Eachother now you are staying in a room with Nathan For the Next couple of days now deal with it

And with that i just took the key and and walked off

Me: Coming Sloth

Nath: Carly is Coming Back

Me: I never Left I just Left you

Nathan just rolls his eyes and follows me into the Lift

Nath: I hope are Room is the best seeing as if we have been told never to leave the area

Me: Lets Just Get this Clear Nathan Just because we are bunking together does not mean I have to talk to you and vice versa ok

Nath:Fine Im done trying anyway

He pushes past me and takes the Key from me and I just sigh and look down alittle maybe i was a bit too harsh on him

I walk into the room and look around

Me: So we did get the best room

Nath:I know the whole none talking rule but what are we going to do about the double bed

Me: Huh

Nath Just points to the bed

Me: Im going to kill all of them

I stormed out the room and started banging on the door

Me: Jayne let me in

Jayne: Whats wrong Carly

Me: First we have to share a room now we have to share a bed

Jayne: The sooner the two of you deal with your feelings and figure out you both love eachother the better because that means the rest of us dont have to deal with it

She shut the door in My Face i stormed back to the room

Nath: So they going to sort it out

Me: Nope

Nath: Ok i will sleep on the couch

Me: You dont have to that

Nath: Ok so you can have the left side since you have always slept on that side

I just start walking over to the bed

Me: Thank You

And we just stand there looking at eachother until

My Phone Rings

Me: Hello

Jackson:Hey Babe Hows It Keeping

I just look over to Nath who wasnt looking at me anymore

Me:Everything is ok why are you calling

Jackson:Cant a guy just call his girlfriend without getting the third degree

Me: Of course not its just a bit random thats all

Jackson Laughs : Well im like that random and all so how is the Nathan Situation

Me: Its Terrible

I look over to Nathan

Me: He thinks i hate him when i dont its just i dont want to start arguing with him anymore

Jackson:Do you Love him

I look at him for a bit

Me: No I Love You

Jackson: That was the answer i was looking for

I laugh

Me:I should be going The Lads have some sound check or something so talk soon

Jackson: Sure Love You

Me: Love You Too

Nath: So what did Loverboy want

Me:Its none of your business and his name is Jackson not loverboy thank you very much

Nath: What do you see in him anyway

Me: Hes Sweet funny and he loves me

Nath: So you like him because he loves you

Me: No im going out with him because hes amazing and he get me

Nath: And i dont get You

Me:No you dont get me you had a chance to have me and you blew it so back off my relationship and stop talking to me i liked it much better that way

Nath:Well I didnt Know whay and you want to know why i care so much about you and jackson

Me: Yeah you know what i would love to Know

Nath:Its Because I

Me: Its Because You what

Nath: Its Because I

Tom:Nathan Mate we have to get to the sound check

Me: Go and you can tell me when you see me next at the show

Nath just nods and leaves a very confused Tom

And i have to admitt i was just as confused i mean what was he going to tell me tonight's show shall be interesting

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