Chapter 7

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Songs i would recommend you listen to while reading this <3

Part Of Me-Katy Perry


We found Love -Boyce Avenue

Part Of Me-Katy Perry
When we arrived at the Club it was lets say ear defining loud but i definitely heard screaming put i was crossing my fingers hoping it wasnt her.

Claire:Hi Guys im Claire the mysterious girl Nath picked up

Me:(Under my breath) Where a whore house

Chloe Heard me and i saw a smile creep on her face

I just shrug

Jay:Well Nice to Meet You Claire but lets sit somewhere

Me: I will get the drinks Tom Come with Me

Tom:I want to stay here

I just roll my eyes and pull him with me

Tom:Why did you choose me

Me:Did Nath Invite her

Tom shrugs :Probably but you should be pleasant with her

Me: I will try do you know what they want

Tom Nods and orders the drinks and hands me mine and Jays

Chloe:Tom put your drink down i want to dance

Tom:Can you wait

Chloe does some puppy dog eyes

Tom:Fine anyone else coming

The others all nodded and i just shook my head

Me: I will dance later go and make fools of yourselves


After a lot of drinking later so im pretty drunk

I looked over to them all dancing and having fun and i realized im being a complete party pooper i mean just because the guy I'm in love with is grinding with some girl does not mean i cant have fun i mean you only live once and all that

I walked over to the dance floor and started dancing with some random cute guy lets say the dancing wasn't exactly PG rated but every time i looked over to Nath and Claire i just got jealous and well Pissed off.

The next thing i saw happen between the two of them was Claire pulled Nathan closer and started making out heavily with him.Then i did something i regret i pulled the random guy in and started making out with him it was not that pleasant to be fair the way are lips moved together was not amazing there were no sparks when all of a sudden i felt a pull on my arm.

Nath:Come on Carly Were getting out of here

Me: No were not we just got here

Nath:Yeah and your already drunk Carls

Me:No im not im just a little tipsy

Nath:Come with me

I pulled my arm away

Me:You cant tell me what to do Nath your not my Dad your not My Brother your Just my friend who FYI is starting to Piss Me off

Nath:Well im not the one who is acting like a child

Me:Yeah well im not the one who meets a girl sleeps with her then all of a sudden going out with her

Nath:This is what all this is about Claire

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