Chapter 13

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I'll Always Be Right There- Michelle Branch

Me: Hey Girlies


Chelle: Whats up

I nod my head towards where nath is sitting

Me: He just dosnt understand anything does he

Chloe: What do you mean

Me:I mean he dosnt understand what he makes me feel

Sophie:Oh i think he does its just he dosnt want to be the first to bring it up

Me: But he wasnt i was i told him i loved him just before we slept together then i told him it didnt mean anything when it did so techincly its my fault that he dosnt understand

Nareesha: No its both your faults

Chloe hits her lightly on the arm

Sophie: What Nareesha is getting at is you both are rubbish at the whole communicating thing you both cant just tell eachother how you feel

Chloe: But guess what you have a whole 6 maybe 7 months to tell him

Chelle:Or the other way round

I nod my head

Me:I just want to be sometime soon but i dont think there will ever be a right time to tell him

Chloe: If it is meant to be carls it will happen ok no ifs or buts about it

Me: I guess

Chloe:I need to tell you girls something since where all here together having a group chat

Me: What is it you ok

Chloe nods :I think im pregnant

We all look at her with shocked looks

Me: How i mean i know how but

Chloe: We are always safe but as i said i think im pregnant im not sure so please can you girls just keep it quiet until i find out

Me: Yeah sure but dont you want tom to find out

Chloe: I just dont want him to get his hopes up or to get him freaked out just yet

Me:So when are going to get checked out

Chloe: Tomorrow when the boys are doing there show i have an appoitment i was wondering if you could come with me Carls

Me: Of course i will come with you you are my best friend after all

She laughs alittle and hugs me

Me: Just one last question if you are pregnant do you want the baby

before she could answer

Jay:Were here oh and we are staying in a hotel since we will be here for 2days

I gave chloe a we will talk about this later look and she just nodded

Me: Ok then lets get in the hotel before we are bambarded by fans

Chelle: Good idea

Me: I know now where is my bag that im taking for the hotel

Jay:Nath took it now come on

Me: Ok im coming

Jay: So you and Nath looked comfy before

Me: Whatcha mean

Jay just looks at me like are you serious

Me: Nothing is going on between me and nath

Jay:But you wouldnt mind if there was

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