Chapter 2

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Alivias POV

I really missed being in Niall's arms. It made me feel so safe. I'm positive he's asked me 'What happened?' about twenty times but I keep drowning them out with silent sobs.

I finally heard his raspy voice whisper "Baby girl, are you okay?" I looked up at his sparkling blue eyes. They were filled with salty tears. I simply nodded and let my thoughts go back to what happened last night.

"You can tell me these things you know." He said absentmindedly. I wasn't so sure as to what he meant. I mean like we aren't even dating anymore. He should be hating me for what I did to him. I felt so bad and I wanted to be considered his again.

~~~months earlier when we broke up~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Alivias POV

"Hey babe." I said sweetly "Hey princess." Niall replied with a swift kiss on the cheek.

He doesn't know that I have been sleeping with his step-brother Eric. I have been meaning to tell him but the right way hasn't popped into my head yet. I mean Niall was great and all, he did everything for me. But there was something different about Eric.

"I have something to tell you." I said. Niall paused the TV and patted a spot on his lap, motioning for me to sit. Instead of sitting on his lap, I decided to sit at the edge of the couch. He frowned, but he just scooted closer to me and turned the outside of his lips up, making a sweet smile. I hated to break his heart. I really did. "I think that we should take a break." I said getting strait to the point. He looked at me with a now sad face. "But why? I thought that we were going fine princess."

I really thought that Eric was the right choice. "We were, but I am kinda seeing Eric." I said silently.

His face was now full of rage and he started to cry. I hate seeing him cry. "I'm sorry." I said as I walked upstairs to our room. I packed my things quickly because I didn't want to make things any more awkward between us.

As I walked to the living room I saw him asleep on the couch. He had tear-stained cheeks and a sad smile. I kissed his cheek ad walked out of 'our place' one last time.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF FLASHBACK~~~~


Sorry for the short chapters, but I have been pretty busy.



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