Chapter 4

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Alivia's POV

It's been a week since I saw Niall at the lake. He offered to let me stay at his place but I figured that since we weren't dating that I would be staying at my cousin Liam's house as to not cause publicity. He was the closest person that was family to me after his and my parents died in a car accident.

Niall had been coming by every day to make sure that I was alright. It was comforting knowing that at least a couple of people were by your side.

Eric, however just loaded up my voicemail probably with the 'I love you so much.' shit. I still couldn't understand why he did that. After all... I did leave Niall for that jack-ass, even if Niall was the better choice. He always was the better choice.

Niall walked into the room as if right on cue. "Hey beautiful." he smiled and then kissed me on the cheek. I had been waiting for him to come all day. I loved seeing his warm eyes and sweet smile.

"Hey. What have you brought for me Nialler?" I said looking down at his hands which were filled with bags of food.

"Well I figured since we hadn't hung out in a while, that we could maybe watch a movie and relax for a little."

He obviously knew that this was exactly what I needed right now. I stood up to help him grab the spoons for the ice cream that he had just bought.

I opened the silverware drawer only to see forks and knives. Of course Liam didn't have any spoons.

I looked at Niall with a concerned face. "Niall, he doesn't have any spoons." Niall face palmed himself which made me giggle.

"Well then it looks like we are going to have to use forks..." Niall sighed.

We ended up watching 'Toy Story 3' because no one could decide on a movie. Towards the middle of the movie, I realized that I was snuggled into Niall's lap, and that it wasn't weird for me to be there. I inhaled his sweet sent. I loved the way that he smelt. He smelt like his Armaine cologne and laundry. It was my favorite smell in the world.

There was a buzzing noise in my pocket which was really interrupting the moment. I reluctantly slid my black iPhone out of my pocket and saw the picture of the person I never wanted to see or hear of again. Eric.

Niall looked at me worriedly. "Are you ok babe?" he was so cute when he was sleepy.

"Yea I am just going to go and take this call, I will be right back." I could feel Niall's and Liam's eyes burning holes in my back as I left the room.

"Hello?" I answered, I was hoping that he had just called the wrong number on accident.

"I was hoping you'd answer." he said in a deep tone. Some of his buddies were heard in the background, probably playing poker. "All I wanted to say is that if you tell anyone, you can be as sure as hell that your cousin and that your little boyfriend will die." he ended the call.

I was scared shitless. What did he mean that my little boyfriend was going to die? I have only told Niall, and I just consider us friends. Even though it would be nice to actually be together again.

I walked into the living room deciding on not telling them anything. I couldn't bare to see either of them hurt.

"Who was that?" Liam asked after I sat down on the couch next to Niall.

"It was someone from Verision telling me that I needed to pay my phone bill." I lied. I was surprised that they fell for it and returned their eyes to the TV screen like little kids.

Sorry for the late update! I have just been having a slow day. ugh anyways I know this isn't the most exiting chapter, but it's better than none!

xxx M'lee

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