Chapter 5

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Alivias POV

I was cuddled into Niall's chest as I tried to ignore the fact that every choice I make, could either make him or Liam die. Why did Eric even want me back? It was like he didn't know what he did wrong and he wanted me to forgive him for what he 'diddn't do'. I don't even know why I still love him. It seems to me like I will always love him because he is the one that I chose to make a happy life with. 

Niall stirred in his sleep. His eyes fluttered open to meet mine. "Are you ok love?" he asked. I could tell that he was half asleep and that sleep would overcome him in a matter of minutes. I didn't know if i should tell him or not... 

" Yeah. I just cant seem to sleep." This was true, my mind was running and it was hard to forget what Eric had said to me on the phone. He looked at me blankly.

"Well then lets get you to your bed that way you can at least try to sleep." I groaned. I didnt have enough energy to get up from the soft spot on the couch. He lifted out his arms and picked me up bridal style to carry me to my room. ''You look beautiful." he whispered into my ear as we headed up the stairs. He was so cliche sometimes, but it was cute when he was.

"Why thank you Prince Horan." I smiled as I kissed his cheek. I honestly wanted to tell him about Eric raping me. But Niall didn't deserve to die for my mistakes. 

He laid me onto my bed, and pulled the sheets up to my chin. "Goodnight princess." he whispered and kissed me on my forehead. I missed those kisses, they made me feel warm and safe. But this time they made me shiver just at the thought of Niall being gone. "Are you cold?" he asked grabbing another blanket out of my messy closet. I thought for a minute, should I tell him?

"Um... yes." I simply answered. It seems like every time I get the good chance to tell him, that something is pulling me back. It was telling me that it was good not to tell him and that I needed to forgive and love Eric. 

Niall grabbed a pillow and an extra blanket, and set them on the floor. "I am going to sleep in here is that alright?" he asked. He was so cute it was hard to resist. He fell asleep almost instantly, which left me to my thoughts. What in the hell was I going to do? 

My phone buzzed on my night-stand. I looked at the caller-ID and saw an un-known caller's number. I answered the phone thinking it was someone who had called the wrong number. I heard a raspy womens voice say, "Meet me outside in 20 minutes, dont even think to bring anyone or anything... Unless you want your friends to die." the phone line went dead. 

A/N  To be honest, I really dont like this chapter, its just to link this chapter to the next, that way it makes seance. (or however you spell that damn word) 

xxx M'Lee

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