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Your pov
What the hell did I get myself into? Why would I agree going to a bar. Although Eeren, Armin, and Mikasa will be coming with me but still. I like being the nice shy one in the group or the outcast. "Hey y/n! Why so down? We are about have our best time in our life!" Eren shouted while laughing. "Keep talking and like that you going to become like Hannes." Mikasa plainly said. Eren just roll his eyes. I just bow my head down and look at the ground as we continue walking
"Hey guys! Took you guys long enough, come on in!" Reiner said happily as we walk through the doors into the house with loud music. I look around the almost like mansion home as smoke, confetti, and blue and purple lights flashing the home. Tch. Reiner really did went over the top this year didn't he? I then panicked realizing that trio left my side. Ah shitz! What do I do? I have no one to stick around with! I took another good look around seeing everyone with a partner. Annie, Mina, and Armin, Mikasa, Erern, and Jean, Connie and Sasha, and last but not least Reiner, Ymir and of course Christa. But then there's just me. I then felt a small poke at my side and turn to see who it is. "Hi. I got you a drink if you don't mind." I look up and saw Bertholdt smiling down at me. "Oh I don't mind. Thanks..." I took the drink from his hand and begin blushing. "Sorry if I seem a bother. Reiner went off and tried to go hit on Christa but as you can see it's not going well. I turn my head back to them and saw Ymir and Reiner fighting. A small gigle escape my lips. "Oh Reiner, always trying to show off any  possible way." Bertholdt got a bigger smile and said, "Yea like the one time when- "Hey Bertholdt come over here for a sec!" Before could react he was then taken by Reiner bringing him somewhere. Reiner then look back at me winking before turning back for Bertholdt attention.
A small sigh escape my lips as my last friend went somewhere else. "Boo!" My body shook as I turn around feeling shook. My face expression then turn into a happy one as I saw Petra. "Hey y/n! I didn't know you came to the party?" "Oh well I should be asking you that." Petra giggle then said, "Well EVERYONE came see? Hanji and Erwin is the dj, Levi is just watching everyone to see if anyone is making a mess and cleaning the bar area, Mike is tending at the bar, Gunther and Eld are hosting games and Olu and I we're giving out food." "Oh." I shyly respond back. "Anyways don't be so shy and alone! It's a party! You know there is pretty nice boy at the bar I want you to meet. He seem like a pretty cool person." Petra then push me the bar and sat me right next to the guy. Just I was about to protest she smile and mouth "good luck" to me and left. I pray hoping the boy won't notice me but I ran out of luck. "Hi! I'm Marco!" I stare at the cheerful boy. Oh... My... Gosh! Is this freckled Jesus! "H-hi! I'm y/n." He smile and said, "That a very beautiful name for a very pretty lady!" He then chuckle at my now blushing and stuttering mess. "So who did you came here with. I'm pretty sure someone would had to convince you to come like me." "Oh. I came here with Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. What about you?" "Jean! Or horseface but don't tell him I called him that." He said whispering the last part in my ears. We both began to laugh at Jean nickname. "Hey you stupid brat who do you think cleans up your stupid mess!" Me and Marco then turn around to see Levi yelling at Erern who threw up on the floor. "It's kinda crazy to know that the more popular gang came." Marco turn back to me giving me a huge smile. "O-oh yea! I would of have never expect them to come!" He then laugh making me smile at how cute and adorable he is. So nice as well. "Hey do you think maybe we could exchange numbers?" "Y-yea! I don't have a problem with that!" We then exchange numbers. "Hopefully we can hang out some more other than Reiner party!" "Yea hopefully we can, I would love that!" We both smile at each other. Well I got a feeling like this party won't be so bad after all.

Bar Marco Bodt x reader (Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now