Carnivial part 1

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1 week later

y/n pov                                                                                                                                                                                  My eyes flutter open as i felt a small burning sensation across my eyes. With one eye open, i only realized  it was the small bit of sunshine that slip through the blinds. A smile spread across my face as i stare at me and Marco hands which were interlock with each other. I push myself off of Marco and began to stretch. I stare in 'aw' looking at Marco sleeping peacefully on the couch. Memories flooded my head as i remember last night. Movies, drinks, and a lot of making out.   
Of course you had a major headache from last night but that didn't stop you from thinking how much you love Marco. With his always positive attitude  and how caring he is towards you. You softly chuckle and got up to the kitchen. You grab a cup of tea and water and some pain killers to cure you and Marco headache.
As I took one, Marco sat up from the couch and started stretching. He look around, rubbing his eyes until he saw you. "Hey babe." Marco mumble while smiling at you. You smiled back and walk to him towards the couch where he laid and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Here drink this." He gladly took the drink and started drinking it. There was a long comfortable silence between you two until Marco spoke up. 

"Y/n?" "Y-yea?" "You know how you always talk about wanted to go somewhere fun with a perfect guy and me wanted to go somewhere else with a perfect girl?"  My eyes softly widened feeling scared on what Marco was about to say. Did he want to break up? His face looks a lot like he want to. He looks annoyed and done with my shit. Oh shit! Did he know that i sorted cheated him on with Reiner? I watch as he look up with an 'I give up look' and took a huge breath to slowly release it. "Well, i hope you said yes cause i got us tickets to the carnival!" As Marco began praising himself, i left out a huge sigh and smile. "aww chucks im such a good boyfriend. Oh i know you-" "Marco thats great! Are we going tonight?" You cut him off. "Of course we are and its gonna be just you and me."

--!Time skip!-- Marco pov --

Well there goes me and y/n being together alone. I look at all of my other friends who decided to come to the carnival tonight. Ymir with Christa. Jean, Connie, and Sasha. Eren, Armin, and Mikasa, and last but not least Bertholdt, Reiner, and Annie...sadly. I low-key didn't mind everyone else coming but Reiner, was a huge problem. He's a cool guy and all but the way he was around y/n pisses me the fuck off of me, but as a nice friendly guy im am i just need to focus on spending time with y/n 


Credits to author (Photo)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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