17K 1.1K 660

Hello everyone..I know I'm late but I think u know reason why I'm late don't u?? If not u can peek into my board for reasons..

Oh my god!! Commenter's u are real motivators..if I had written this update then it's only because of u people..warna my mind went so blank..I couldn't pen anything..then I started reading ur comments..I'm so glad to have such genuine commenter's with genuine emotions.. I'm unable to reply u all..if I could..I would've definitely replied u all.. sorry please don't get mad..I will reply for today's update for sure..i hope to read ur views in Ur own style..

Last but not least I have taken Ur suggestions..and wrote this chapter..hope u will like's little flashback and then to sneak peak to flashback and finally present. Which u all asked me..

Ty for all voter's..I would like to have same response from u all..

Specially dedicated to Priyankasurya Writerbydreams FidaArora Pavani_setty vidzy_vidhu anggioberoi Pavani_setty Arpita95

And very much Ty to my darling readers..who voted for best fiction..and our story stands in third position among other writer's and books with 26+votes..Ty for unlimited votes..keep supporting our story like this..till it ends..Ty for loving our story this much..TheLiteraryAwards

Hope u will like it..

Manik's pov

I was doing my last minute packing in bag..where everything in my heart was making me heavy..tears where non stop..i never cried this much for my any pain..they way i'm crying at this second..because she is the only reason for my existence..i don't know, how i'm going to survive my life without her..i have zero knowledge about it..all i know is end is coming near to me..if i blink, i will be there where i started from..i don't know, whether i can make it up this time..i don't know..

i pulled my bag as i checked out from hotel, in which i was staying..everyone were already seated in limo..where i sat holding my guitar near to my heart..i don't know..i feel this time..i'm losing it..forever and ever..

I was never this devastated in my entire life..because nothing was so important than her in my is going to change for worse, i was ready to battle, because she will be my side..and it will be there what i said my mind..where it chuckled for unknown reason..which i was not aware of..which was scaring me to shit..unexplainable feeling it was..

Be with me last time..i won't ask more, in this life..

Just be with me baby..

Just be with me baby!!

Is all i want to say her..i hope her heart hears this words of mine..just once..


i was seated in business class..the way i held my guitar to my heart, only i was death grip, as if someone will snatch my only relative from me, with whom i shared my every misery..with whom i shared my feelings..with whom i celebrated my happiness..u too please all i want to say..small wink of sleep didn't touched my if it will never ever again..everyone were sleeping peacefully but me..who is writing my story in this diary..i don't want read them again..i don't want recall anything..i want someone to share..and he had become my better companion than any..thank u again..

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