season 2) Chapter 1-She doesn't remember me pt1

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//Author note:So sorry I haven't updated this story in while my lovelies,I been busy updating other stories so please forgive me! madi_1028 here the new chapter!I hope u enjoy!//

Peter's pov*

  It's been a few months, ever since we had that fight with doc oct and thank God y/n is safe and sound oder to safe her life.Not only that she gone missing..Doctor Bruce banner had to use my blood to safe her but it didn't turn out the way Bruce igmangined...

Why you ASK?

Here's why...


Y/n laid on the infirmary bed,unconscious her skin was turning all red. Doc oct put radioactive snake DNA syrum Her body didn't react the same way mine did when the spider bit me.

"The analyzes show her body isn't strong enough to hold this type of venom in her,the only way to save her life is to use Peter's blood to stabilize the venom from reaching her heart and brain " doctor banner said while he placed a breather on y/n mouth.

"My blood!?it can kill her!"I got angry and my blood isn't the best chocie! "There should be another way to get the venom out!"I added.

"Am sorry peter but this the only way" Bruce looked at me with a serious face. "Brother spider, if the doctor says this the only way then so be it" Thor the big and mighty spoke. I turn to look at the avengers and fury with serious and worried faces. I just sighed and gave in.

Lord....this better work "Ok let's do it then"

"Hand me a needle please" Natasha aka black widow hand Bruce a long a** needle and let me tell you I may be a hero but am still scared of needles.

I extand my arm, before I knew,it Pierce threw my arm. Damn that hurt like hell! The blood filled the needle and Bruce pulled out the needle from my arm. I nodded and look over at her. Ever since we brought here..she been in a coma.

Bruce walk over her and inserted my blood on to her arm.

"AARK!" Y/N mouth open yelling out in pain,this time her hole body was shaking out of control. Her back arch,from it I heard a cracking from her bones. "Shit!!!I knew something like this would happen!!"

"Doc!!" I walked up to banner and held him by the collar holding him in the air, he struggled to get free from my grasp. "Peter!" Ironman grabbed me by the arms, setting banner free.

"NGH!!!AH!!"She kept yelling and arching every muscle of her body. Y/n moving from side to side on her bed, when she till to the left her body hit the hard cold floor hitting her head. "Y/n!"

"Get him out of here!"Bruce demand it. "No am not leaving!"

My eyes were just glued on to her,not leaving her. She stop shaking and screaming. She wasn't breathing,blood was coming out of her head..


This can't be..!!

I began hyperventilating really bad,I bit my bottom lip in fear and anger. "She not breathing..." captain America check her pulse. As a result not even one heart beat.

"Am...afraid she..." fury looked sad but he kept the serious steady.

"NO SHE CAN'T BE  DEAD!!THERE HAS TO BE AWAY TO SAFE HER!!" I kept begging but they keep refusing. It hurt so much inside...

The girl I loved...


Vanishing out of my life just like that....

Because of me...



//hours passed//

  I was in the training room walking back and forth just staring at the ground. Tears falling out from my brown eyes,I could tell they were swollen and puffy.

She was everything to me...

All the memories of us ran through my head. Our first kiss,finding out she had powers,and...

When she told me....

"I love you peter.." that beautiful smile of hers always lit up my mood,but I won't see it anymore..

Because of me!

My fist punched the iron wall,leaving a hole. What am I going to tell aunt may...?she had enough pain already with uncle Ben death...

This is my last goodbye to her. I decided to go to her room,when I got there, her body was just laying on the bed. Lifeless...

I walked up to her,sitting next her. Her hand was placed beside her body, even with her eyes closed she look so peacful..

I grabbed her tightly in to my graps..her skin felt cold. My eyes weld up again with tears falling.

"Y/n...i love you I always loved you,I always so scared of telling you because I was to afraid you wouldn't feel the same way about me. The reason I dated gwen because I wanted to get those feelings away from me. But it was hard...everyday seeing you made me fall in love you all over again. Your my world...and it's my fault your like this..." a tear fell on her cold hand. "I deserve no forgiveness from are probably hearing me from heaven...but keep this in mind ...I'll always loved you.." I said what I have to say.

I lean in to her and give her one last kiss..feeling her cold lips.

Cheesy huh...?sounds like a fairytail the prince kisses his princess to wake her up from her long slumber to death...

But life isn't a fairy tail...

I know that could never happen...soon after I left her room. I got no buisness doing here..

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