TMITW with Masked Ninja CH.6 The strange but familiar faces.

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"Where the hell am I" said Timothy waking up to find her self a in a bear room. The from had no windows. Just a door in the middle. 2 chairs and a bed. "She's's about time" said Hoody. "OH.MA.GOD" said Timothy getting up from the bed. "Yes yes it's us. Thee Masky and Hoodie" said Masky crossing his arms. " I know who you are all ready but what is the reason you want me here?" Said Timothy crossing her arms. "Slenderman will explain that". "Hello...Alice Timothy Hunter." Said slenderman approaching her. "My name is Timothy Hunter. Not Alice Timothy Hunter. "Heh well then you might want to ask your parents about that" He said softly looking away. " what do you need me for?" Asked now know as " Alice". "Well dear...Let's just say your very special and I need help me with something" he said sitting next to Alice. "Oh what is that going to be?" She said looking at slenderman. At that very moment slenderman ripped of her eye patch. "What the hell sir " she said clutching her eye. He took his tenticle and jabbed it into her eyes he went deeper and deeper. "PLEASE STOP! STOP! IT HURTS SO MUCH!" She said screaming on the top of her lungs. After he did that he filled her eye with black liquid. Instead of white it became black. "Now rest up's gonna be your big day soon" said slenderman putting his had over her eyes. After he said that she passed out and everything went black.

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