(DEVOUR) -Freshman Year- The New Professor

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It was 9 am, and most of everyone's heads were laid out on their desks, we were waiting on our new professor.
Nick and I have this same class Monday through Thursday, I am so screwed.

Me: "Hey Nick you got any gum on you?"

Nick: "No but this fat piece of shit does", Nick said as he stared directly into the dudes eyes."Who the fuck eats an entire pack of gum?"

Me: "Nick what the hell man?" I said throwing my hands in the air.

Nick: "Come on kid if your breath is that bad it should be in jail",

Me: "Fuck it I don't want any",

Nick: " See what you did porky, you're a disgrace", Nick said with a disgusting look on his face.

"Good morning class, sorry I'm late I was"-

Nick: - "that's a nice piece of ass isn't it Cole?"

Me:" Shut the fuck up man", I said with my eyes wide open as I turned slowly to look at him.

Professor : "Excuse me Sir, what is your name?"

Nick and I started to look around,

Professor: "Yes you, in the black hood".

Oh thank God its Nick.
"Fucker", I said quietly while smiling.

He then jumps up out of his seat.

Nick: " My name's Nick! and I have a huge -

Me: "Don't you fucking say it Nicholas", I whispered to him in grief.

Professor: "A huge what?"

Nick: " A hu-uuge appetite for Math mam".

Professor: "Well I certainly hope so cause we'll be taking a big bite out of calculus.

"Ugh!!!", everyone sighed in annoyance.

Professor: "Yes Yes, I know, tell you what, to be fare, we'll start calculus tomorrow, right now I want everyone to introduce themselves.
My name is Mrs.King, but I would like to be addressed as Professor King, or Professor, I already know you now Nick, and the gentleman beside you is?

Me: "It's Cole mam".

Professor: "Nice to meet you, I'm sure you'll keep this one out of trouble".

Me: "Trying my best Professor King".

Nick: "Trying my best Professor King, you know, I've seen people kiss ass but you fucking made out with hers", Nick said while mocking me.

Me: "Shut up Piercen".

Zzzz zzz zzz

My phone started vibrating in my pocket.
I quickly pulled it out and hid it beside my bag from Mrs.King so I could see what it was.

"Hey, the shit's here, it's time bitches!"

I showed the text to Nick at the same time I was finished reading.
He had the same joyful look on his face as I did.

"New Professor, come get us", I replied to Kyle's message.

"We'll be right there :)".

Me: "They're coming", I said to Nick then he replied with a nod.

Moments after hearing half the class introduce themselves, we see Kent walking in with a yellow note handing it to the new professor.

Professor: "Hi are you from this class?" she asked as she took his note.

Kent shook his head and walked out before she even finished reading.

Mrs.King then looked up at us both, "Cole, Piercen, Dean's office".

We grabbed our things and then slid through the classroom doors.
Upon reaching outside, we see the rest of the guys waiting on us.

There's this type of handshake that we do where we whistle after we do a fist bump.

Nick: "What the fuck took you fuckers so long? We almost died in there".

Me: "Yeah cause you almost got us killed in there",

Nick: "But come on Cole you gotta admit her ass is-

Kyle: -"ladies! If you please, we would like to start", Kyle said as he drew out a zip lock bag that had a very strong aroma.

I swore I could hear heavens choir singing after he pulled the bag out.

Dave: "Are we gonna?-

Nick: " Hell yes-

Jay: " Hell no, we're gonna pay our friend Dean Williams a visit", Jay said with an evil smirk on his face.

Me: "Kyle, Kent, what the fuck is he talking about?"

Jay: " The Dean gave me a full weeks detention because he just caught me making out with his daughter, so now he's making me fucking pay for it!"

Me: "So you're gonna get him lit?"

Kyle: "We're gonna get him lit", said Kyle as he emphasized on the 'we're'.

Jay: " Like fucking New Years", he said with that smirk again.

Me: "I'm sure the fucking school year just started, and already were back at it again?"

Jay: "C'mon Cole, we need you, don't back out off this, you and Piercen are the two most fierce persons on our team".

Me: "No bro of course I wouldn't back out, I'm just saying it was kind of too early to start the bullshit already".

Dave: "He's right, this morning my dad and I had the talk".

Kent: " Ours too".

Nick: "Hey, would you fuckers shut the fuck up so he can explain the plan?"

Jay: " Hold on Piercen, this is my evil doing, what I've noticed about the Dean is he's always lurking around the campus. But 80% of his day he'll spend in his office doing God knows what".

Kyle: "This should be easy then, like that time we filled your cousin's car with used condoms.

Kent: "And the time we told that Homeless guy Jesus is coming and he should take bath so he jumped right in the fountain at the mall".

Me: " And the time Nick popped that strippers breast when "-.

Nick: -"Yeah don't remind me of that one".

We all started laughing as we killed a few minutes reminiscing.

Dave: " Okay, this one might sound crazy, but I have a plan of what we're gonna do, C'mon boys were going to the kitchen".

Nick: "This should be fun."

Me: "What about that time you-

Nick: - "I will stick these uncomfortable, ugly ass shoes up your anus if you say another word Cole, okay?"

We all started laughing after Nick tried to be serious.

Instagram: sylence_macky

DEVOUR  (Freshman Year) Pt 1Where stories live. Discover now