(DEVOUR) -Freshman Year- Cheerleaders

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*Bell Ringing*

Me: "Hey Piercen get up, it's lunch time let's go meet up with the guys".

Nick: "No wait, tell the guys to wait up, we're going on a Slut-enger hunt".

Me: "What?" I chuckled. "What're you talking about Piercen?"

Nick: "Pussy bro!" He said with wide eyes and opened arms.

Me: "You do realize that we're probably gonna be in a shit load of trouble if that man regains consciousness and remembers what the fuck he saw right?"

Nick: "At least when we get expelled we'll be leaving with cheerleader DNA all over our dick's", he said smiling.

Me: "Retard", I said laughing while lightly punching him on the shoulder.
"OK let's go", wait, shouldn't we bring Jay?"

Nick: "Pussy magnet? Do you wanna get the girls or give em to him? Shut the fuck up and let's go man "

Me: "Alright damnit".

We got dressed then head out from the locker rooms into the cafeteria.
The guys were probably outside eating already but we'd catch up with them after we're through with Nick's dumb idea.

Nick: "Hey Cole, look alive, redhead at 3 O' clock.

Me: "Nope, how about that-

Nick: -"big busty blonde? Yeah I call dibs, be right back honey, don't wait up".

Nick is a talker, and a very slick one, so even if he gets rejected, the shit he says sometimes make chick's reconsider, he probably offers them free blow jobs or something haha, anyways.

Me: "Who do I like? Who do I like?" I kept repeating to myself while looking slowly left to right as I leaned against the exit to the halls.

Me: -" uhh, hey?"-
- "I can't walk through you".
Me: -"Excuse me?"-
-"You're blocking the exit Einstein".

Group of girls started giggling after the mystery girl made her comment.

Me: " Uhh- but- I didn't- I'm so-"

Mystery girl: - "Yeah whatever loser".

And they all waltz right passed me giggling and continued they're gossip.

Nick: "3 phone numbers, all blondes, what'd you get?"

I walked off leaving him standing there.

Nick: "What? Hey man what'd I say? Did I say something wrong?"

We were on our way to the hang out spot where we've always been chilling.

Dave: "Hey there they are, where the hell you guys been, Williams walking around fucking campus saying he saw Indians, Elephants and a white kid wearing a black hood".

Me: "Nick, you need to change, and change fast".

Nick: " Well, come on, one of you fuckers throw me a shirt or something".

"I don't have any extras,"-
"-neither do I , "-
"-us either", we all replied simultaneously.

Nick: "Hey you! Fat fuck come here", Piercen called to a kid passing by wearing sweaty gym clothes.
"Gimme your shirt",

Fat kid: "What?"-

Nick: - "Gimme the fucking shirt before I squeeze the lard through your ass, don't let me rip it off your-

Fat kid: " Here! Here!" The kid squealed like a pig handing over his sweaty shirt.

Nick: "Holy shit it's soaking wet in here", said Nick as he threw on the shirt after removing his hood.

DEVOUR  (Freshman Year) Pt 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora