Preference 2- Where you went on your first date

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Lewis- He took you sightseeing in Monaco 

Valterri- He took you to a small hot tub in a spa 

Sebastian- He took you to an adventure park 

Kimi- He took you to the cinema

Max- He took you swimming 

Daniel- He took you to his home Grand Prix

Lance- He took you to a fairground 

Felipe- He took you to his hometown 

Nico- He took you to a small festival in Germany 

Jolyon- He took you to Goodwood

Esteban- He took you skiing 

Checo- He took you out for dinner 

Fernando-  He took you to his karting school 

Stoffel- He took you to a shopping centre 

Romain- He took you to a small cafe 

Kevin- He took you to a park 

Marcus- He took you to Sweden 

Pascal- He took you to a spa

Carlos- He took you to the beach 

Daniil- He took you to a small cave where you explored 

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